Page 4 of One Night Rancher

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“What brings you in?” she asked.

“Beer. And a burger. I figured I would try to miss the evening rush. It’s too hard to talk to you when you’ve got all those bros crowded around the bar drooling on you.”

She rolled her eyes. It was the funny thing about her relationship with Jace. It wasn’t like they didn’t acknowledge those kinds of things. He talked about men panting after her all the time and was often growling at his brothers when they made commentary that was specifically designed to rile him up.

And she often talked about the way women acted like fools around him.

But they didn’t make it personal. It wasn’t about what he thought about her. But what other men thought.

And of course she never shared any actual details about her love life.

Well. Probably because she didn’t have one.

That was irrelevant.

“Nobody drools,” she said. “And even if they did, I don’t mind if they leave tips.”

“Yeah. Well, the place has become awfully popular.”

“It’s definitely different than it used to be.”

“Too bad Mitch never got to see it.”

“Of course he sees it,” she said. “Like I said. He’s here all the time.”

“So you’re telling me that his spirit lives on, and he’s still hanging out in the shitty bar?”

“That’s back to what I’m telling you. Anyway, I was just telling him about the hotel.”

“You still fixating on that?”

“Yes. I’m going to until I get to buy it. There’s just one weird little hoop to jump through. There were a couple of other offers in, but they fell through, because when they were looking around the place, there was some stuff that was... A little disconcerting. So now the owner is demanding that somebody spend the night there before they put in an offer. So... I’m gonna spend the night.”

“You’re gonna spend the night in the hotel? Why?”

“Because it’s haunted. That’s what I mean, people keep backing out because there’s all this haunting stuff. I guess he’s come close to selling it twice, and they were about to sign the papers when something spooky happened. So...”

“So you have to spend the night in the place to prove that you’re not going to back out on the sale?”


“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Why is he letting people with overactive imaginations cause so much grief? And why give any credence to it?”

“It works in my favor—it gave me enough time to get all my finances together. Anyway, Iwantit to be haunted,” she said. “I can get it on the national list of most haunted places in the United States. People come from all over to stay in haunted hotels. It’s something they’re fascinated by.”

“I don’t want to stay in a haunted hotel. Because that’s how I know the owner is a pancake short of a full stack.”

“So you think I am not playing with a full deck?”

“I think that you are a bull short of a herd.”


He shrugged. “Sorry if you don’t like it.”

“I don’t think you are. I think you’re always far too happy to give out your opinion.”

“Oh well. You keep me around. Did you put my order in with the kitchen?”
