Page 16 of Facing Daemon

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“Don’t know,” Daemon grunts.

“From what we’ve found on them, they could be a pain in the ass but nothing more. However, after tonight’s events, I’m thinking of looking deeper into them,” Scythe says, running a hand over his hair.

“They’ll try again,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around my middle. “My uncle won’t let this go. He might have allowed my mother to make a scene and act the way she did, but his threat was clear.”

“How so?” Hellhound asks.

“I know them. All three of them.” I take a breath and release it before going on. “My uncle is conning. He doesn’t do anything without thinking things through.” I look to Scythe and meet his eyes. “You looked into me, so you know. They killed a boy because he was helping me to escape. I lost what meant the world to me because I went against the church and was considered unholy. I never got to see his face.” Shaking my head, I close my eyes to fight back the tears. “You all don’t know the true depths of within that world. I do. The women mean nothing but a means to serve the men. They’re to spread their legs and allow the men to do as they wish. The men do as they please more than that, they have different sectors of it. Those who work within areas my uncle manages them all. I’m not supposed to know that, but they didn’t hide talking in front of me. They thought they’d broken me after taking my baby.”

“Evs, you don’t have to—”

“No, you all need to know this, and it’ll save Scythe time,” I say, stopping Reaper. He’s being kind for what he’s trying to say. “My uncle deals a supporter of a couple groups. A couple of them are black-market medical organizations and another is selling children as they did with mine. But the difference is with my son, they made sure to tell me that he gave him to someone within the church. Yet, I could never find out who. Anyway, what I’m getting at is, if my uncle wants to make a problem, it’s a possibility and from the look in his eyes tonight, he’s gonna make me pay.”

“Fucker ain’t gonna make you do a damn thing, baby,” Daemon mutters, engulfing me in his warmth. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Damn right,” Reaper agrees. “You’re family, Evs, and we’re not gonna let this shit slide. Thank you for telling us what you know.”

“I’ll get on it and dive deeper,” Scythe states. “With what Evs has given us, it saves me time and I know what direction to look into.”

“I’ll help,” Styxx offers.

“Good, now, let’s get some rest while we still can.” Reaper grunts. “Styxx, once you have something, let me know, and I’ll call church.”

“You got it, Prez.” Styxx jerks his chin up, pivots on the heel of his boot, and stalks toward a hall where I know they keep offices. Though I’ve heard plenty about Styxx having a setup in his room along with his twin brother, Scythe.

“Come on, sugar, let’s go get some rest. It’s already been a fuckin’ day,” Daemon says, pulling me to the hallway that leads to his room.

I nod and lean into his strength, shoving the thoughts of what happened in the past hour to the back of my mind. Daemon’s right, it has been a day so far, and the sun isn’t even up yet.



Holding Everleigh close, I stare at the ceiling, the scene with her parents and uncle rolling over in my head. Now that I have silence to think it over, I realize that it was all a ploy. A calculation I would assume her uncle was making to see what will happen. To find out if my woman would give into them. I’m willing to bet my right nut, he probably had it in his head that he thought he’d get to Everleigh. That she’d fear him and do as she’s told. Hell, he might’ve even thought she’d bow down to him. The prick had that high and mighty vibe surrounding him.

Fucking cowards, all of them.

I didn’t expect what Everleigh said about them being connected to several black-market organizations. It didn’t fill me with any warm and fuzzy feelings. Regardless, those bastards won’t get close to laying a hand on her. Not if I can help it. They’ll have to kill me first.

I run my hands along Everleigh’s bare skin, loving the feel of her lying next to me with nothing touching her skin but the sheet covering the both of us. My cock thickens at the idea of waking her with me sliding inside her sweet honey but now isn’t the time. I’ve got to be prepared for anything that can be coming our way, and we won’t know until Styxx finishes doing his computer thing.

I close my eyes and let out a harsh breath wishing I could just go and kill the motherfuckers for all they’ve done. If they were out of the way, I wouldn’t have to worry about them coming after Everleigh.

My phone makes a noise on the nightstand, and I cock my head in the direction to look as I reach out for it. I lift it to find it’s a text message from Styxx. I unlock to phone to read it.

Styxx:Need you to come in here. We gotta talk.

Fucking hell. This shit isn’t good.

Me:Be there in a minute.

Without waking Everleigh, I climb out of bed and tuck a pillow where I’d been lying. Immediately she curls into it. I pull the comforter higher wanting her to stay warm. When I’m in bed with her she doesn’t mind sleeping with only a sheet, claiming I create enough heat she doesn’t need anything else.

I shake my head and smirk at how cute my woman can be. No matter the bullshit Everleigh’s been through, it never broke her and it’s one of her traits I fucking love.

Not making a sound, I find my jeans on the floor, pull them up over my legs, and fasten the button. I grab a pair of socks from the dresser and put them on before shoving my feet in my boots. Lastly, I snag a shirt and slip it over my head. I grab my cut and head for the door. I make sure to keep the light from the hallway out as I crack it open and step out.

I stalk down the hall in search of Styxx, pondering what the hell Styxx has to talk to me about. I know it has to do with Everleigh’s folks. I clench my teeth just thinking about them. They fucked up coming here and trying to claim we were holding their daughter against her will. That and them saying she wasn’t right in the head. More like them being the ones insane and needing the looney bin.
