Page 12 of Santa Biker

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“I got you on this. No one is going to hurt them,” he assured me.

“I want this asshole,” I snarled, marking my damn territory like Gina was mine, and I had the right. “I want him to fucking suffer before I reap his soul and hand him over to Lucifer in Hell.”

The motherfucker who nearly hurt Gina was going down, and I didn’t care what I had to do to ensure that happened. My Reaper was beyond consolation at this point. He’d latched onto Gina and staked a claim, and there would be hell to pay if anyone tried to keep me from protecting what was mine.

Fucking hell.

This was a mess. I didn’t intend to get that close to her last night and say the things that I did. My Reaper took over like he’d done so many times in the past. My instincts followed. It was beyond my control, and I didn’t give a shit.

Every intention I had to keep my distance flew out the goddamn window of the SUV and never came back. Zero fucks given.

“I don’t care if it’s her ex or some other asshole. He’s dead after the shit he’s pulled.”

Grim leveled me with one of his intimidating stares. “What the fuck we talk about yesterday, huh?”

“About me staying away from Gina.”

“And why can’t you listen?”

“My Reaper wants her, pres. I know everything you’re gonna say. Ain’t my fucking fault. He’s not gonna back down.”

That was the issue when it came to the demon inside us. He didn’t back down, and when he wanted something, that was it. You could try to fight him, but it was a battle against yourself and a will so strong nothing could bend it. In essence, the symbiotic relationship between all Reapers and the members of the Tonopah chapter of the RBMC meant a merging of wills and minds, thoughts, desires, etc. The Reaper enjoyed fucking that up, to be honest. Rael was probably the only brother that fully embraced the union. The rest of us sort of found a way to live with the entity inside, some better than others.

“Christ.” Grim scrubbed a hand down his face and shot a weary look in my direction. “How did Gina react?”

“Like she wanted me just as much,” I replied with confidence. A hint of smugness seeped into my voice as my Reaper agreed. There was no denying Gina was aroused whenever she was near me, and the way her eyes glazed over when I talked about giving her pleasure, I was sure she wanted me to make good on that offer.

“You better talk to Bodie about this.”

“I will,” I promised.

“Let him speak to his ol’ lady. We’ll see what they both have to say.”

It wasn’t like I couldn’t fuck who I wanted, or Gina wasn’t an adult and able to do the same. Had a lot to do with respect. She was an ol’ lady’s best friend, and that fact demanded that I speak with my brother first. Gina was protected as an extension of Sasha. She was family.

To those on the outside looking in, this was a brotherhood challenging to explain. Our ways didn’t make sense unless you understood the loyalty and depth of friendship that we shared. It was far beyond membership in a motorcycle club. Our lives, security, and safety depended on one another on a daily basis. Trust was earned and given but fuckin’ fast to lose. That was why I was cautious and promised Grim I’d respect Bodie’s wishes, whatever the result.

“Tell me about this guy in the truck again,” Grim ordered gruffly, pulling out a pack of smokes and lighting up, lifting his boots on his desk.

“Didn’t get much since the fucker was smart enough to remove his plates. Before I came to see you, I handed over the truck’s description to Xenon. He’s lookin’ into it, but I didn’t see the driver, just the ass end as the pickup sped away.”

“Did Gina know him?”

“Said she didn’t. He flashed his brights at her, and she couldn’t see well. Plus, he wore a black mask. The asshole revved his engine and nearly hit her before I pulled up. Might have done it if I didn’t arrive in time.”

Pissed, I began to pace his office. My Reaper was agitated and didn’t like the fact that Gina and her kids were vulnerable.

“We’ll find this stupid fucker. There’s got to be a connection to her ex.”

“Or it was him, pres.”

“Maybe. Won’t be the last time that he tries to scare Gina. Guys like that don’t give up. We’ll be there when he comes around again.”

“You mean I’ll be the one stayin’ close.”

“Don’t piss me off, Diablo.”

I didn’t see the problem. “I can switch off with the prospects but know I’m not going to stay away, not now. And I’m sure as fuck not leaving them alone.”
