Page 13 of Santa Biker

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“No. I want someone watchin’ at all times.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “Tread carefully.”

“I will. Gonna talk to Bodie now.”

“Get some fucking sleep while you’re at it. You look like shit.”

“Sure, pres.”

Grim waved me off as I left his office and strode over to the common room with purpose. Bodie was shootin’ pool with his cousin Chaos, and they both looked up as I approached.

“What’s up, brother?” Chaos asked as we fist-bumped.

“Need a word with my man here,” I replied, ticking my head at Bodie.

By the amused expression on his face, I figured Bodie already knew what this was about. “Let’s go for a smoke.”

I followed him out front as we both leaned against the exterior of the clubhouse, lighting up our cancer sticks as the morning sun beat down from above, penetrating the cold and providing a slight reprieve from the chilly temperature. If this kept up, it would become too frigid to ride soon. I hated that shit. Nothin’ worse than being stuck in a cage.

“Damn chilly this year. It’s gonna fucking snow, and then we won’t be able to ride for a couple of months,” Bodie complained, staring at the clear sky like it was about to dump frozen flakes at any minute.

He read my mind. “Yeah, maybe, but then we get to keep our women warm between the sheets.” Always a good trade, in my opinion.

“No complaints with that,” Bodie chortled. “Sasha’s pussy is fuckin’ addicting. Can’t ever get enough.”

“There’s one I’d like to know,” I stated boldly.

He shook his head, humored by the admission. “Wondered when you were gonna get to that, brother. It means a lot that you’re comin’ to me first. Sasha and Gina are close. That chick has been through the wringer, know what I’m sayin’? Single mom. Two young kids. A rough past. It’s a lot to take on.”

“I’m not gonna hurt her,” I promised.

“You listenin’? Cause she ain’t some muffler bunny or broad from the streets. Things go bad between you, and she’s still comin’ here to see Sasha. You’re a brother in the club. Won’t be any way around bumping into one another, and that could be awkward.”

“I know, Bodie.”

“Two young kids. Rev just turned twelve. Olivia is only nine. They ain’t ever had a man consistently care for them as a father should. That’s a tall order, brother.”

“You tryin’ to talk me out of this?” I asked, surprised at his approach.

“Nope. Just tellin’ you that she’s vulnerable. Her kids are vulnerable too. They’re needin’ love and protection from the right man. Someone who’s gonna love them back and be the rock they need. Feel me?”

“I do.” Taking a long hit from my cigarette, I contemplated all he had to say and waited for any feelings of panic or uncertainty to surface. Only a sense of duty, loyalty, and affection for Gina and her children rose within, fiercely cradled by my Reaper. Of course, I also felt attraction, desire, and lust for the woman. Underneath all that was a need to protect, provide, and care for these three souls in a way I’d only known one other time before we met.

Anita and Thunder.

My chest tightened, and I wondered if I’d ever come to terms with Ani’s death. Some hurts dug deep and didn’t erode with time. My Reaper carefully guarded my heart, but with Gina, he was all in.

“I don’t know how I got here, Bodie, but I care about Ginaandher kids. I’m not walkin’ into this blind.”

He gave me a curt nod and then smiled. “That’s all I wanted to know. Sasha is protective over her friend, but she’ll come around. If you want Gina, go after her, Diablo.”

“Plannin’ on it,” I replied with a grin, snuffing out my smoke with my boot after I flicked it to the ground. “Catch up with ya later, brother.”

THE SUV ROLLED TO Astop on Gina’s driveway as I placed the vehicle in park. Not having my bike made me feel edgy, but I wanted to surprise Rev and Olivia later, which meant bringing a cage.

Rev opened the door after I knocked, staring at me with wide eyes. “Diablo? Why are you here?”

“Who’s at the door?” I heard Gina shout, probably from the kitchen.

“Diablo!” he yelled, opening the door wider. “Guess you should come in since it’s so damn cold out.”
