Page 15 of Santa Biker

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What a sweet little girl. Her quiet, reserved nature conjured a fiercely protective response. I’d kill anyone who tried to harm her, Rev, or her mother. I felt my Reaper deepen his conviction, determined to keep them safe at any cost.

“You have as much as you want.”

She shook her head. “You and mama need to eat.”

So thoughtful.

I patted my belly. “I already ate. It’s just your mom left.”

Gina lifted a dubious brow as I caught her intense stare. “I’m not hungry, baby. You eat all you want. You too, Rev.”

“Already on it,” he replied with a full mouth, chewing on a bite of cheese and pepperoni.

Gina opened the fridge and pulled out a gallon of milk, pouring each of the kids a glass, then returning the gallon to the fridge. She set the glasses on the table, and I noticed that Rev chugged almost half, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand. Gina gave him a disapproving look before he reached for a napkin.

We watched them for a minute before she gestured for me to follow, walking away from the table.

We sat on the couch in her living room. The area was clean and spacious. Nice. But when I thought about it, there wasn’t near enough furniture. One old worn couch. An end table. An old TV on a wooden stand, stocked full of movies.

A piano caught my eye, placed in front of a big window that faced the front yard. Two big plants and an empty cat bed finished off the space.

I’d do something about this later. Maybe I could coax her into letting me see the whole house so I could make a list of everything they needed.

The past tried to rear its ugly head, but I didn’t think of my childhood home or the sad memories accompanying it.Life is for the living.That was what my mother always said growing up.Make the most of every moment.

If only she’d been given longer.

“I suppose you want to talk about last night,” Gina began, folding her hands in her lap as she took a seat on the couch, and I joined her.

Being obvious, I sat close, our knees touching. “I do.”

“I don’t know what you expect me to say,” she began, avoiding my gaze.

“Hey,” I called softly, reaching over to place my hand over hers. “I get this is your life. You’re entitled to your privacy.”

Her chin lifted as she searched my eyes. “Okay. I didn’t think you’d agree to that.”

“I wouldn’t say I’m totally on board, but I get it.”

She tilted her head slightly as if trying to figure me out. “You’re different than I expected. When I see you at the Crossroads, I always envision a tough, wild, untamed outlaw.”

“Because I’m a Royal Bastard?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know.” She sighed. “I’ve known a few bikers before you.”

“Not many of the ones like my club, huh?”


“I see. Who’s Rev and Olivia’s father? A biker?”

Gina pulled her hand from under mine, nervously chewing on her lip before she answered. “You know when you learn things you’re not supposed to, things that can put bad men behind bars for a long time?”

Shit. That was nearly every day since I patched into the RBMC. But Gina experiencing that? And her kids? No fucking way. “Yeah.”

“I’ve seen things. Done things.” Her voice lowered. “Stuff I’m not proud of but couldn’t avoid. Do you understand?”

“Your ex and his club,” I correctly guessed.
