Page 2 of Santa Biker

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A leather-wearing, dirty, delicious holiday treat I don’t dare to indulge.

When my house is broken into and trashed a couple of weeks before Christmas, there’s only one man who can help.

I need a miracle from St. Nick.

My secret Santa has a heavy wish list.

I just hope he can deliver.

Note:Santa Bikeris a wild, insta-lust-to-love Christmas story between a sexy bad boy and a hardworking single mom. This book is a standalone but part of the Tonopah, NV Royal Bastards MC andcontains an age-gap romance, steamy scenes, biker slang, cursing, violence, dark content, a paranormal REAPER twist, and, of course, an HEA.

Chapter 1 Diablo

“What you havin’ tonight, honey?” Becca asked, leaning over the edge of the bar while her tits pushed together, pressing the tanned skin nearly out of the V-neck of her top. I could see part of her nipple and knew it wasn’t an accident. The club girls tried to snag my dick almost every night of the week.

“Just a beer,” I replied with a hint of warning. Didn’t feel like dealing with bullshit. Not with the Crossroads so full tonight.

“You got it.” She gave me a wink and then passed the bottle into my hand. “Enjoy. Let me know when you want another.”

Dipping my chin briefly, I let her know that I would, turning to lean against the bar.

One arm draped the bar top while I took a few swallows, scanning the room. Rael gave me a chin left, smacking Mammoth on the back when the big fucker choked on something he’d just drank from a shot glass.

My guess? Rael spiked it with something potent. Probably done on purpose, knowing our SAA. Rael wasn’t happy unless he was in the middle of shit, stirring the pot and brewing trouble.

His brother, Chrome, our newest patch into the club, gave Rael a shove, laughing when Rael took the bait, wrapping an arm around his neck. He planted a loud kiss on Chrome’s cheek, twisting his nipple through his t-shirt, chuckling as Chrome punched him in the gut. The two ended up on the floor, wrestling.

Amused, I shook my head, facing the common room.

“You want another beer, Diablo?”

“Hell yeah,” I answered, switching out my bottles and watching Shadow as he wrapped an arm around Stefanie’s waist, hugging her close against his body as they shared a leather couch with Toad and Laramie.

Toad’s fingers slowly glided up and down Laramie’s back while she sat on his lap. A look of contentment dominated her pretty face. Our prospects were now full members, and I couldn’t help feeling proud of the young Reapers that joined our club.

Grim ticked his head in my direction and gestured to the two of them as he approached. “Fucking love those shits. Both of them.”
