Page 30 of Santa Biker

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That youth equaled stress. Shaking my head, I tugged a pack of smokes from my cut and lit one, sucking nicotine into my lungs. Teddy better be on Gina’s ass, or else.

My phone vibrated as I finished my cigarette, smashing the butt into the ashtray on my desk.

“Yeah?” I barked into the phone, worried about Gina.

“She’s there.”


The bell above the front door of the shop dinged. I’d left my office door ajar earlier so I could keep tabs on the shop. I liked to jump in and ink some of the customers when I had time.

“Revelations Ink, boss.”

Hanging up on the kid, I didn’t give a shit if he wondered what to do next. Let the new pup figure it out. If he wanted the Reaper, he’d have to learn to think through shit critically and act in the club’s best interest without being told.

Gina stood in front of the brick accent wall covered in framed tattoo art as I left my office. All my own creations. The brown leather couch below was empty but would soon fill with more customers as the afternoon wore on.

The bell announced another arrival, and I glanced to the door, waving to a returning customer. Faith walked in, holding the hand of her six-year-old son Tyler. He rushed in our direction, finding the basket of toys I kept and the blue bean bag in the corner. He plopped down, revving a fire truck engine that once belonged to Thunder.

Blinking, I fought to clear the sudden lump in my throat. Fuck. I missed my boy.

“Hey, Tyler. How’s it goin’, little dude?”

“Hi, Diablo, sir.”

Faith walked to us, smiling at her son. “He loves coming here. It’s one of the few places he can play, and I don’t have to worry. It’s so wonderful that you think of parents and their children.”

“I love kids.”

“Yeah, it’s badass, Diablo.”

She turned as Brett joined us. “Ready for the rest of your mural?”

“Oh, yes!” Faith turned to Tyler. “Don’t leave the shop.”

“I won’t, Mama.”

She kissed him on the top of the head before following Brett into one of the rooms reserved for the tattoo artists and their equipment.

Hannah, my receptionist, waved at Faith as she called out. “I’ve got Tyler.”

“Thank you.”

I caught Gina’s stare as I lifted my gaze from Tyler.

“What do I owe the pleasure, darlin’?”

Since that night at the Crossroads, we’d talked or seen one another every day. Felt damn good to see her smile.

Gina chewed on her bottom lip. “I want a tattoo.”

Brows lifting, I tilted my head to the side. “You sure?”

“Yes. I want my babies inked on my skin close to my heart. Forever.”

Damn. That was sexy as fuck. Nothin’ more gorgeous than a tattoo inked with love.

“Come here.” I led her to the glass front counter and a few books on the top filled with sample art.
