Page 32 of Santa Biker

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A biker cut hung from his shoulders, too blurry to make out the name as the vision began to fade.


I wanted to run into the past, protecting her and the kids from the monster that harmed them. There was nothing I could do. The past happened long before I met Gina.

She didn’t have a third child, and I could only guess she’d become pregnant soon after Olivia’s birth. The beating stole that child from her womb. Sorrow filled my chest. I couldn’t imagine the loss and pain she suffered.

I’d find this biker.

The Reaper promised vengeance.

Head snapping up, I blinked, taking in the quiet room. No noise from the tattoo gun. No one else in the shop. Brett would have closed up, knowing I worked a private session. How many hours did the Reaper pull me away?

Swallowing hard, I knew this newest artwork would be a doozy. My chin lowered, gaze devouring the sexy slope of Gina’s ass, rising higher to her left shoulder. She rested on her stomach, breathing peacefully. Asleep. Just like I’d been.

My jaw popped open as I saw Rev and Olivia as small children, etched into her skin in a stunning black and white portrait. Every nuance of their faces, their dimples, chubby cheeks, and innocent smiles, captured forever.

RevonandOliviascrolled across the bottom of each child’s image in a dark script. Before tonight, I didn’t know Rev’s full name. After this, I’d never forget it.

Despite the horrors they experienced, the two kids were beautiful souls full of light and love. They’d get their happy ending because I would accept nothing else.

The Reaper knew. He brought me to this moment.

My eyes slid shut, and memories I’d rather forget rushed to the surface, sucking my soul into the past.

“Fuck,” I blurted, hand bracing against the wall to remain upright as my knees threatened to buckle.

The Reaper didn’t allow me to linger.

Some truths shouldn’t remain hidden. Blood reveals all secrets.

Chapter 9 Diablo

Twenty-five years ago—

“Zoom!” I shouted, revving my fire truck along the threadbare carpet.
