Page 39 of Santa Biker

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Someone was gonna pay for messing with Gina and the kids. I sure hoped that motherfucker Jack showed up. My Reaper wanted to get better acquainted, starting with his fists.

“Olivia, honey, will you grab the Tylenol and a glass of water for Rev? He’s going to need it.”


She rushed off, and I turned to Rev. “Tell me what happened.”

“I spotted some dude outside, staring through the front window, and went outside after him. I had Olivia lock up all the doors and windows and grabbed my bat.”

He sucked in a breath, clearly upset and trying to hide it.

“Go on,” I urged.

“He hopped the fence and took off, so I came back inside and called you. That’s when that fucker threw a rock at the window and shattered the glass. It got all over the kitchen floor, and I made Olivia stand off to the side while I went after him.”

“I see.”

“I chased him down, scared he’d try to hurt Liv. Got off a couple of good hits, too, before he punched me. Asshole,” he mumbled.

“That was brave as shit, my man. Really. Just don’t leave your sister alone again. That might have been his goal.”

Rev paled. “Oh shit. I didn’t think of that.”

“It’s okay. I’m not pissed at you. I’m proud of you,” I declared, gripping his shoulder as I stared into his eyes. “So fucking proud. You’re badass, Rev.”

He swallowed hard and nodded, then lifted his hand to squeeze mine. “Thanks, Diablo.”

I should have been more cautious. As I pulled my hand away and straightened, I caught the smear of blood on my skin. Olivia said Rev cut his hand.


He must have sliced himself picking up the glass when he returned to the house. There wasn’t a mess on the floor. Rev cleaned it up.

My vision tunneled, darkening as I backed away, afraid I’d pass out again. The Reaper snarled in my head, and I knew what he saw must have been evil.

My hands clenched at my sides as I shook my head.Noooooo.

“Diablo?” Rev asked, sounding afraid.

The vision that swam in my head was too disturbing to describe. To see this beautiful boy at the mercy of a man, being violated and harmed by someone who should have loved and protected him, sent my Reaper to the surface.

I couldn’t stop what happened next.

My body half-collapsed while my hands braced against my knees. I struggled for every breath in and out of my lungs. My muscles shook under the intense rage I struggled to control. Veins bulged in my arms and neck. I could feel them pulsing with blood and fury.

Inhale . . . Exhale . . .

Loudly, air moved in and out through my nose. My eyes closed. Tightly.

“Diablo?” Rev asked again, concerned.

“Careful around me right now, alright?”

Inhale . . . Exhale . . .

Rev moved closer, falling to his knees in front of me. I sensed his presence. Correction, my Reaper did.

Rev’s hand touched my arm, and he gasped, pulling it back. “Wow. You’re hot.”
