Page 41 of Santa Biker

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Chapter 11 Gina

Flinging the door open, I rushed inside my house, hardly able to concentrate on a damn thing until I saw my kids.

Olivia rushed me first, practically tackling me to the ground as her thin arms circled my waist. “Mama!”

“I’m here, baby. You okay?”

“Yeah, I was super brave. Ask J.D.”

My chin lifted, and I caught his tight, apologetic smile. “I’m sorry I didn’t arrive sooner.”

“It’s okay. I don’t blame you for a thing,” I assured him. Diablo dropped everything to come to my children’s rescue. How was he at fault?

No, that blame belonged entirely to the man who had terrorized me since I met him at seventeen. Jack Downs.

“Rev? How’s your cheek?”

“I’m fine, mom. Just a small bruise.”

He didn’t want me to worry. “I’m sorry.”

“Stop. You didn’t hit me. Some jerk did.”

Diablo gave him a chin lift as if in approval. Rev grinned.

I didn’t know what passed between them and decided it must be a boy thing. “You take any Tylenol?”

“Yep. Right after I told him not to leave Olivia alone again,” Diablo answered. “They’re both okay, Gina. Promise.”

Relieved, I hugged my daughter, noticing Rael and Bodie.

“Hi. Thanks for being here.”

Their presence meant the club watched out for my family. I might have thought Diablo was the reason, but since Sasha became Bodie’s ol’ lady, I’d become an extension of her, and the circle of protection grew.

Bodie nodded, lifting his head as he paused texting on his phone. “Just letting Sasha know you’re all okay. She’s pissed,” he added. “Not that you didn’t know already.”

I did.

She blew up my phone while I was at work. The kids hadn’t been home more than an hour before the incident happened.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I know.”

Rael smirked. “Well, there’s no reason to dwell on it. If you don’t come to the Crossroads until this shit is sorted, Diablo will just drag you here caveman style.”

I rolled my eyes. “That shit works with Nylah. Your ol’ lady enjoys your brand of crazy.”

Bodie laughed, texting again. “Sasha’s gonna love that.”

Rael flipped him off.

Diablo snaked his arm around my waist, tugging me against his side. “I don’t need to convince Gina. She knows it’s not safe to remain here, right?”

Oh, he played dirty. The kids stood there, staring at me for confirmation. I didn’t want to be forced from my home again. Jack stole the choice and power away from me too many times in the past.
