Page 59 of Santa Biker

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Thunder swallowed hard. “No, kids being safe is important to me, too.”

The tent quieted down.

Thunder stared up at me. “You knew I was with the Hell Titans?”

“No, little man. I would’ve come for you. They were a last-minute sign-up for the rally, so Justice did some digging.”

“Last-minute?” His shoulders sagged. “He had this event planned for months.”

Guilt. That was why the Hell Titans didn’t reveal themselves sooner.

“Dio, the fire.”

Not the fire he dreamed of as a kid and later came to pass. No, a new fire. One that raged and stole a young boy from his father. Who snagged his innocence and raised him with lies.

I blinked, swaying on my knees.


I fell into him.

Grim steadied me. “He’s just in shock. That’s all.”

When I started to tremble, Thunder wrapped his arms around me. “Diablo, breathe with me.”

“That’s right,” Grim agreed. “You have him now.” He turned to everyone in the tent. “We should give them a minute.”

“The fire?” I asked. “Was it real?”

Thunder nodded. “What does it mean?”

I rubbed a hand down my face. “I don’t know.”

“I heard a voice. It told me to listen. A connection as powerful as the one we share. And it hasn’t spoken to me again until now. Five years, Dio.”

“Listen to what?”

“Whatever the memory meant.”

Grim appeared at my side. “Something isn’t right. My Reaper is on edge.”

I stood in a rush. “Tell me something I don’t know, like what the fuck happened to my boy.”

Grim clasped his hands behind his head and pulled. “Ah, shit. His nightmare—back at your apartment—the fire—”

I got in his face. “What about it?”

Grim grabbed my cut and shook. “It was a fucking message, and you know it.”

Pain lanced my body, and I began panting. “No, you’re wrong.”

“Brother, you pulled him from that nightmare, just like you will again.”

“I already have. Tonight.”

Not letting go, Grim stared into Thunder’s eyes. “What’s that voice saying now, kid?”

Thunder stood, his face pinched in pain. “That tonight’s not the night.”
