Page 62 of Santa Biker

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Chapter 15 Diablo

It took several nightsto share all of those memories with Gina. She sat through every tear and confession, every bit of pain and sorrow. In exchange, I listened to her sorrows and triumphs, holding her when some of them were too heavy to carry alone.

For the first time since leaving Thunder behind at the rally, I felt unburdened and free. I’d grieved Anita too. Ready to move on, the only woman in my life that mattered called me when I left church, blowing up my phone as I entered the bar.

“Hey, darlin’,” I answered, “What’s up?”

“It’s Jack.”

My Reaper immediately snarled. “What about him?” I growled.

“An unknown number called my phone. I didn’t answer, but it wouldn’t stop until I finally picked it up.”

She sounded pissed.

“What did he say?”

“That he’s comin’ soon, Diablo.”

A scare tactic. Stupid fucker didn’t know how badly he screwed up.

“Good. About time I got to kick his ass.”

Gina snorted. “I want my hits too.”

“Whatever you want, my fierce mama.”

“I’ll be there when you get home from work. Got a couple of things to finish up.”


“Hey, babe.”


“Hold on to my heart. I want it back when I see you.”

Cheesy? Fuck yeah. Sweet? As delectable as cherry cordials on Christmas mornin’.

“Oh, Diablo. You’ve got mine too.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

Gina ended the call, finishing her shift at work while I stomped toward Grim’s office. Knocking once, I entered as he hollered for me to open the damn door and not keep him waiting.

Something bugged him. I could see the annoyance on his face.

I didn’t have time for it.

“I want to move Gina and her family into the Crossroads,” I announced, not caring about his frustration.

Grim didn’t answer at first. He took a few long drags on his smoke and then nodded. “Maybe you’ll have better luck than Sasha did. Be persuasive, but if she says no, it’s no. Feel me?”

Like I wasn’t familiar with the concept. Never forced myself on a woman about anything in the past and wouldn’t think of doing it now. “She won’t.”
