Page 64 of Santa Biker

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“You can’t say bad words in the office. They’ll catch you,” he whispered behind his hand, finger pointing to the main desk.

“Well, shit,” I cursed, ticking my head in his direction. “Good thing I don’t come here often.”

A loud laugh rumbled through his chest. “You’d have a lot of detentions.”

“Oh yeah,” I agreed, rising to my feet. “I’m gonna see if your sister is coming yet.”

Rev shrugged and remained seated like it was a wasted effort.

He was right. As I peeked out the door to both the left and right, there was no sign of Olivia.

“Where’s her class?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at Rev.

“The second-grade classes are in the yellow hall.”

“Wanna help me find it?”

The secretary began to say something about it not being policy, but I ignored her, and Rev giggled again as he slid from his seat. I followed him down the hall and through a fuckin’ maze of colors before we found yellow.

Olivia was sitting on the ground with her backpack next to her side, propped against the wall. Little arms wrapped around her knees as she rested her head on top.

“Liv?” Rev asked, rushing forward. “You okay?”

Her head lifted, and she hiccupped as streaks from her tears stained her pink cheeks and glistened in the light. “I lost Mr. Jumbles.”

Rev’s shoulders relaxed. “He was the best monkey ever.”

She nodded, sniffling. “He is. He’s the bestest. I get super soft snuggles from him, Rev.”

“I know you do.” Rev glanced up at me and shifted from foot to foot. “Diablo is picking us up.”

“Not without Mr. Jumbles.”

Rev nodded like he was expecting that answer. “Where did you have him last?”

“I don’t know,” she wailed. “I think he was in my lap after last recess.”

“What did you do after that?” I asked, hoping to help.

“We went to the library.”

Rev and I both perked up. Bet she left it there.

He held out his hand. “We’ll go look. Come on.”

Olivia wiped her face and stood, sliding on her backpack. Her fingers gripped Rev’s as they walked down the hall, and I trailed behind, marveling at how Rev took care of Olivia.

The library was also in the yellow section, and we located it without an issue. A quick search turned up nothing.

Olivia’s shoulders caved in as her lower lip trembled. I swear my fucking heart stuttered at the sight. Spinning on my heel, I approached the lady behind the main counter with a stiff smile.

“The little girl lost her stuffed monkey. You find one?”

The librarian blinked and then nodded, pulling out a big box of miscellaneous clothing and toys. Located on top was a brown monkey with black eyes. I snatched him up and mumbled my thanks, heading back to the kids.

“Is this Mr. Jumbles?” I asked, handing him over.

Olivia squealed and reached for the monkey, holding him close to her chest. A few tears spilled down her cheeks before she rushed into my arms. “You found him. Thank you, J.D.”
