Page 69 of Santa Biker

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“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Patriot agreed.

“We need to return to the Crossroads. I want to be sure Gina is okay.”

Patriot nodded as I reached for the single mother who’d wiggled her way into my heart along with her two children, my Reaper staring down at her with a possessive, determined growl.

Gina may not fully realize it yet, but she would become my ol’ lady. She already had my heart, and I intended for her to keep it.

“GINA,” I WHISPERED, squeezing her hand as her eyes fluttered. “Wake up, beautiful.”

We arrived at the Crossroads nearly half an hour ago.

I’d already checked on Rev and Liv, relieved to find Sasha babysitting as she rocked Maverick and watched over the precious lives in the room. The kids were unaware of the attack on their mother, and I didn’t want to worry them. Pizza boxes, soda cans, and popcorn were strewn all over the tables and chairs while they watched a marathon of holiday movies.

“Diablo?” Gina asked, blinking as she tried to sit up. “Where am I?”

“The Crossroads. Take it easy. You lost a little blood, and I brought you here to clean up before you join Rev and Olivia.”

Gina flinched with the memories of Jack and Spyder’s attack and the destruction they’d left her to find. Her hand lifted, and her fingers met the bandage on her throat. “How bad is it?”

“Not as bad as you think. It won’t take long to heal.”

She sighed, laying back against the pillows. “Jack and Spyder?”

“Dealt with.Permanently.”

If she was shocked by that admission, Gina didn’t voice it. “He destroyed everything,” she whispered, her voice faltering. “The tree. The decorations. The gifts. He ruined Christmas for Rev and Liv like the Grinch.” Her head lifted, and tears shimmered in her pretty blue eyes. “They won’t have anything under the tree. Or even a tree at all.”

“You’re wrong about that,” I replied gently.

She didn’t know it yet, but I’d taken care of the mess. By the time the kids returned home tomorrow after their sleepover, Santa would have delivered a holiday miracle. One that Gina and her children desperately needed.

“I don’t have any money to replace their Christmas. I don’t—”

“Gina,” I interrupted, but she kept talking.

“There won’t be anything. They’ll be so heartbroken.”

“Gina, baby.”

Her watery gaze finally met mine.

“It’s taken care of. I promise.”

She swallowed hard, and a single tear slid down her cheek. “I don’t understand.”

“Santa is bringing Christmas.”

“Diablo, I don’t—”

“It’s already done, sweetheart.”


“Yeah, honey.” I sat down on the edge of my bed, where I’d brought her as soon as I walked inside the Crossroads. She wasn’t going anywhere but this room from now on. My bed. My ol’ lady. She just had to say yes.

“Diablo?” Her voice was laced with vulnerability and need that I wanted to cure.

My hand reached for hers, and I intertwined our fingers. “I know it’s been a rough couple of days, but you aren’t alone, Gina. Let’s give this relationship between us a chance. I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t want you.”
