Page 8 of Santa Biker

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Chapter 3 Gina

“You’ve got to be kiddingme,” I exclaimed, staring at the dashboard with frustration while the gauges all seemed to have a mind of their own, and like a naughty child, none were obeying. The temperature needle climbed higher while the check engine light popped on, and as a result, my car shook as the engine sputtered a pathetic gasp. The speedometer began to lose momentum before I could do more than blink, and I slowed to a crawl.

Jerking the steering wheel, I managed to park on the shoulder of Hwy 95, cursing in low tones as I slammed a palm downward twice on the steering wheel of my ungrateful hunk of junk. “Big Betty, I’m not happy.”

Sure, it might be weird to name your car, especially when she wasn’t a pretty sports model, but I didn’t care. Big Betty had always been reliable until the last six months. Now, temperamental as fuck, she broke down every single chance she got.

I didn’t have the money or time to deal with it so close to Christmas. The holidays officially started already since this was the second week of December. How would I pay for another repair and finish shopping for Rev and Olivia?

This was the third time I’d broken down in the last month, and it always occurred at the most inconvenient times. The first, Rev had a dentist appointment, and we nearly missed it. The second time my car was full of groceries, including ice cream and milk. They almost spoiled. Now, it was eleven at night.

I’d gotten off my closing shift at the diner nearly fifteen minutes ago. Heaving a sigh, I stared out the window at the bright crescent moon hanging low in the Nevada skyline. Stars filled the entire expanse from one end to the other in a dazzling display of crystalline white. Not a cloud blocked their enchanting sparkle as Christmas music played over my speakers. Until the engine died, and the warbled words of Silent Night hung like a bad omen as they fizzled out.

Just three weeks until that fat, jolly old elf was supposed to drop down my nonexistent chimney and drop presents under the tree. Santa was going to be a little stingy this year. I’d be lucky to have four gifts each for the kids after I paid all the bills. The last thing I needed to deal with was another expensive auto repair.

“Shit,” I exclaimed, ignoring the sting behind my lashes as tears misted my view. “Why do I always have the worst luck?”

The kids were home alone, and calling a tow truck would take every last dime I had in my account. There wasn’t much choice other than calling my best friend Sasha and begging for her pity. She wouldn’t care, but I hated depending on other people whenever life threw another curveball in my direction. Shouldn’t I be able to handle a crisis alone?

Picking up my phone, I tapped her name in my contacts, let the phone dial, and listened for her voice. Three rings lapsed before she answered in breathless concern.

“Gina? What’s up, babe?”

A distinct male groan followed her words, and I sank back against the seat, wishing I could have found someone else. My call interrupted Bodie and Sasha in the middle of one of their sexcapades. Again. Yeah, I’d had an emergency more than once when they were in bed.

Part of me wanted to giggle, another part was slightly envious of the orgasms she’d receive, and the rest of me just hated the fact that I was lonely as hell and sick of being single with few prospects other than my vibrator. A girl needed a real dick once in a while.

“I broke down,” I exclaimed, sucking in a giant gulp of air. “Again.”

“Aw, babe. Where are you?”

“Hwy 95 between Hawthorne and Tonopah.”

“We’re on our way.”

“It’s cold as hell out. Maybe one of the prospects won’t mind bringing a truck. No need for you and Bodie to come to rescue my ass a third time.”

Sasha chuckled at my choice of words. “We’ll have someone pick you up. Where are Liv and Rev?”

“Home. Should be in bed, but it’s Thursday night, so I bet they’re still up. They always push it before the weekend.”

“Bodie is already on the phone. Spook is comin’.”


Muffled voices mingled in the background, but I couldn’t distinguish the specific words discussed.

“Bodie says they’re sending one of their tow trucks to pick up your car and haul it to the shop. They’ll fix it over the weekend. You need a loaner?”
