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I let Hank drive us in silence the whole way, Holly eventually succumbing to her fatigue and leaning against me, asleep as we pull up out front of our building.

“Here we are…,” Hank starts to say loudly, making a face and whispering an apology once he sees Holly’s asleep.

“I’ll carry her up,” I tell him, passing him my card with a dozen Ben Franklin's folded underneath.

“Come to this address in the morning and ask for Madison. He’ll be expecting you,” I instruct him.

“That is if you don’t wanna work for peanuts driving cabs anymore,” I add, silently shifting as I lift Holly out of the car.

Hank’s jaw drops as it registers what was happening.

Still holding Holly close, I lean in before closing the cab door with my foot.

“I mean it, Hank. A real job with real pay and really nice cars to play with all day. Think it over,” I tell him, not even looking back as I greet our doorman, letting him know Holly’s fine.

“Just tired,” I tell him.

“Just tired.”

I murmur the same thing to myself once I’ve undressed her and slipped into bed beside her.

Her body turns in her sleep to reach for mine. Both of us instantly slipping into a dream-filled sleep.

Dreams of a country house with kids and a big, clumsy dog.

The dreams I used to have when I was a kid, longing for the one thing I know Holly and I thought we’d never have.

A real family.



The less-than-warm bed without Steve in it brings me out of a deep sleep. I wake, clutching my belly, and not because of all the Mexican food we had last night.

I feel a slight smile play across my lips, somehow just knowing that my Christmas wish has already come true.

Like a lot of things, a girl justknows. But I decide to keep it under wraps for now, just to be sure before I tell Steve.

True to form, he’s been up since the early hours, and I groan when I check my phone, seeing it’s already past ten.

Something I rarely do is sleep in, but the pleasant ache between my legs and in my body when I stand tells me that I needed some rest after having Steve balls deep inside me three times in one day.

The thought makes me sigh with something new to me.


I’ve never woken up or gone to sleep so happy in my whole life as the past few days, even though it was a rocky start.

I can hear Steve’s deep voice in business mode, barking orders, but it’s not just over the phone. I can hear movement and other voices coming from downstairs.

Making sure I’m decent before heading down, I’m astonished to see the transformation of Steve’s living space.

There’s a huge, living Christmas tree by the gas-powered open fireplace, piled high with brightly wrapped gifts and decorated like something straight out of a movie.

His huge penthouse apartment keeps the massive tree in proportion, but I have no idea how anyone could get such a massive tree in here and so quietly.

I pause halfway down the stairs, listening and watching as Steve instructs Madison, who’s obviously arranged everything to his wishes, about what he wants done next.
