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Looming up suddenly in front of her, Tina catches her toes on the carpet rug and falls forward.

Right into my arms for the second time in twenty-four hours.

She makes a little squeaking gasp, but I’ve got her.

Both of us are instantly aware of the effect she has on me when I feel my stiff front pressing into the softness of hers.

With no one to interrupt us now, I feel her relax into me for a moment and I make a low sound, stifling the groan welling up inside me.

She feels so fucking good.

“See?” she murmurs, looking up at me with wide eyes. “I can’t see three feet in front of me without my glasses.”

“Then I’ll make sure I stay closer than that anytime you haven’t got ‘em,” I assure her.

Relaxing what registers as a firm grip on both her arms before it is clear we either peel ourselves off each other or pick up right where we left off last night.

But if I kiss her now, or even if I kissed her then. I know once I start, I’ll never be able to stop.

And I’ve got so much more for Tina than just kisses.

“I’ll be right back,” she assures me, not making much of an attempt to move off me.

But I could hold her like this all day and only feel the same way I do right now.

She pretends not to notice my aching front but watching her bite her lower lip before she hurries off back up to her room lets me know she’s not completely innocent.

She’s had a look and now she’s felt it pressing right into her.

I smile to myself as I watch her go, chiming as she goes that she’ll be right back for the second time.

Settling down and eating like a man starved until my plate’s empty.

Not minding if she’s gone long enough to get herself ready, but kind of missing her already too.

Both of us have a big day ahead of us.

I can just tell.



Mom’s usually the one to remind me to wear my glasses, but whenever she doesn’t, I usually forget. And once I trip on yet another carpet, falling into Mack’s strong arms, I figure it’s safer if I wear them.

Hiking in the wilderness without them would be stupid. Even though it is kind of nice having Mack catch me every time I nearly trip myself up.

He’s finished eating already by the time I freshen up and come back down, hoping he doesn’t think I look too goofy with my glasses on.

But seeing him clearer, how warm and instant his smile is when I reappear. I forget all about my own hang-ups.

Already tingling with excitement about the whole day alone with Mack.

Even forgetting all about horses, wild beasts, and everything else about nature I usually seize up from whenever I think about it.

“There’s a lot of ground to cover, so we should probably get going,” he suggests.

Reminding me that being inside with chairs and tables, food and warm beds is one thing. But roughing it in the woods means hiking, and lots of it by the looks.

Making me wonder if I just asked if we could drive to wherever we’re going, would he agree?

I’m not exactly built for long hikes, and reading my thoughts, Mack assures me it’ll be worth it.

“There’s just so many things and little places we can see if we’re on foot,” he explains.

“Or horseback,” I add, trying to sound enthusiastic but feeling my own features fall, hearing myself say it out loud.

Mack agrees with a friendly grunt, and missing my reaction, he starts to move like a man with purpose.

His rugged good looks match his natural swagger. The very picture of a born ranch hand, a man of the land.

Quickly lagging behind his huge steps when I follow him outside, I’m struck by how fit as well as how strong and handsome Mack is.

The bright morning sun on his silver-flecked hair and tanned features make him look even better.

I cringe at the thought of how I must look in the full sun, being a very indoorsy type compared to someone like Mack.

And without wanting to let Mack know, I have to admit to myself that my feet hurt already.

These new hiking boots I’ve never worn are pinching me in all the wrong places, and I already wish I’d worn thicker socks.

Mack moves swiftly and surely to a stone barn where all the gear’s kept.

Each step he takes only makes him look more energized and powerful.

The barn’s perched on a small rise overlooking a stream that joins a huge lake I can see in the distance.

Hustling to catch up, I’m already wheezing by the time I reach him.

His eyes scan the scenery for more than the view, which is breathtaking.


“You okay?” he asks, keeping his eyes on something in the distance with his body turned away from me to one side.
