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“She’ll come around,” I whisper into Lucy’s ear. “Just give her some time.”

Lucy snorts and nods her head up and down. I press my forehead against hers, silently thanking her for being so patient.

With me, though, not with Tina. I can already tell the two of them are going to be fast friends.

I’ve been so tied up with other work on the ranch lately, it feels like too long since we all just went out on the trail together.

The three mares all looking at me like female relatives. Finally, looking satisfied I’ve found some human company for a change.

The mares have their own run of a whole valley, but they love people too. And they get as much out of a good, long ride as I do.

And seeing how they are with Tina, I know she gets their seal of approval, which means the world to me.

I wonder if Tina’s mom is going to feel just as happy for us.

And Mrs. Corbett?

Hmmm. Best think about that when the time comes. We’ve got the rest of today and tonight to ourselves. No point spoiling it by thinking about that.

“Uh, Mack…? Mack!” I hear Tina call out suddenly.

Spinning on my heel, I don’t know whether to smile or worry when I see her already up on Ruby.

The reigns in her hands, and a look of shock mixed with excitement on her face as Ruby starts to walk slowly around the yard.

“Well, look at you!” I exclaim. “You got up there all by yourself,” I encourage her.

Ruby is taking sure but slow steps as Tina feels what it’s like to be back in the saddle for the first time in so many years.

“You’re fine,” I call over to them both, sensing Ruby making sure she’s not in any trouble for stealing Tina away from me.

But she won’t go far.

At eighteen hands, she’s a big mare, and Tina looks small perched awkwardly in my huge saddle.

But she knows enough to keep herself upright, and Ruby’s so gentle it makes my heart swell to see Tina taking the initiative and doing the only thing that’s best for her.

Getting back on a horse.

“You want to walk her around for a bit?” I ask Tina, who’s shaking with nerves but looking determined to conquer her biggest fear.

“I’m right here,” I remind her. “And Ruby won’t go far.”

Tina gives a nod, crimping her mouth and gripping Ruby’s reins tighter, she gives her a nudge with the stirrup, setting them both off in a trot.

“Easy on the reins,” I call over to her, noticing Ruby tense up as she glances over to me for approval.

“Alright,” I say. “It’s alright.” Noting Ruby’s not the only one who’s tense.

An older part of me wants to let Tina work things out for herself, but the new me wants to protect her from everything and anything that could take the smile from her face.

Keeping my distance, I let them both go for a while but am primed to step in if Tina has any trouble.

After a good while, and only once Tina’s looking more relaxed, Ruby marches right over to me. Bringing Tina back safely with a snort of approval as I lift Tina back down.

Feeling her still trembling, I hold her close.

Not surprised when she cries a little.

“Thank you, Mack,” she sniffs. Her eyes shining with happy tears.

“You did just fine,” I tell her, rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head.

“You’re still riding with me, though,” I’m quick to add, and feeling her nod I hum low to myself.


“Why are they all the way up here anyway?” Tina asks me, recovering quickly from her emotions.

“The mares? We keep ‘em up here for the trail ride groups. But they have the run of the valley once they’re older or aren’t cut out for mustering,” I explain.

“Like Ruby?” Tina asks, reaching up and stroking the mare’s shoulder, making me chuckle as my hand joins hers.

“Ruby? She’s always done whatever she wants, and yeah. She’s too big for mustering cattle.”

“And where are all the cattle?” Tina asks me next, sounding more interested about ranch life now she’s had a feel for it.

Even though she only just rode Ruby for a few minutes, I can see the light in her eyes, the thrill she got out of it.

“Mostly sold for the year,” I tell her. “But like the horses, the cattle have their own area. Over in the next valley,” I explain, pointing toward the opposite hills.

“How big is this place?” Tina muses aloud, shaking her head.

“Big enough to need a ride to get around,” I remind her, asking if she feels up to making for the cabin.

She readily agrees, and I can see her glancing over at Lucy, thinking how she could maybe ride her after all.

“The trail’s pretty steep in parts,” I let her know, not wanting to talk her out of riding Lucy if she really wants to.
