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But I can’t.

I can’t force her to stay, and she hasn’t actually said anything about leaving.

Not yet, anyway.

“You hungry?” I ask instead, feeling the pressure in my brain vent someplace else when she nods eagerly.

Asking me with bright, alert features what I had in mind.

So that’s how we play it, for the next few hours at least.

I cook us up a storm with the provisions we have left plus more than just a few fresh eggs from the henhouse.

And long after the sun’s come up, and everything’s been washed, cleaned up, or stowed away, it’s time to head back.

If we don’t go soon, things will only get more complicated than they already have to be once we get back to the homestead.

I know Mrs. Corbett’s going to read me like a neon sign once she sees me with Tina.

And despite her mom being a royal pain in the ass to begin with, she’s no dummy either. Even if she has found her own romantic interest for the weekend.

So, I guess it surprises me when neither Tina nor I can even say what I know we’re both thinking about.

Each of us just wanting to enjoy every second we have left together.

Wondering how one night that felt like it could last forever suddenly feels like it may be slipping away from us for good.

Especially if she leaves.

“I’m going to talk to my mom as soon as we get back, okay?” she says eventually.

Giving words to the feelings I can’t voice, which is weird.

I’m not a wordsmith, but I’ve never hesitated to say my piece before.

But this is different.

Tina means so much to me. I can’t even bring myself to say the words let alone think about her going anywhere but back to bed with me.

She’s not telling me she’s going to stay, but not exactly saying she’s planning on leaving either. Just a matter of fact comment that she’s ‘going to talk to her mom.’

Hopefully, telling her she’s not going home, and we can bear the brunt of her mom’s wrath together.

But before I can quiz her on it, Tina lets me know she thinks she’ll try riding Lucy back down to the homestead.

“If you think I’ll be okay,” she’s quick to add, making a strange grimace with her features that I can’t help but smile at.

Glad she’s feeling more confident around horses, but gladder still that she’s changed the subject somehow.

“I think you know how to ride, cowgirl,” I tease her, smiling before I pull her close and kiss her.

Savoring her taste and etching every tiny feature of her in my mind.

“I had the best teacher,” she quips back, poking her tongue out before heading outside over to Lucy to have a pre-ride pep talk.

But Lucy knows, and she whinnies with excitement once she sees Tina reaching for her reigns.

Making me wonder just one last time if I might’ve tried to hold on too tight myself.

Falling so hard for Tina, it never occurred to me to factor in the life she had before she met me.

The life we both feel calling her back with each step of the mares once we’re making our way back down the hillside.

I let Tina go on ahead of me, helping get her confidence up, but also so I can watch her fine ass and hips while she rides.

I’m not going to lie. There’s not a lot she does that doesn’t make her look fantastic, but seeing her riding again is a double-win.

She gets the joy back, and I’m getting a view that makes me wish we had further to go because I could watch her riding all day and never grow tired of it.



Funny how the trip back is always so quick, whereas yesterday it felt like a year to get to the cabin, as Mack calls it.

It’s hard to leave it behind, but something tells me I’ll be back.

Coming back down to the homestead and riding a very well behaved and supportive Lucy. I can’t help but wish we’d taken the long way after all.

I’ve vowed to myself that I’ll tell mom everything too. Lay it out bare.

I’m a grown up now, not five. And I want to stay here as Mack’s personal guest, I don’t think he’s going to mind one bit, especially if my still tingling saddle soreness from last night is anything to go by.

I just can’t see myself anywhere but with Mack from now on, and I know he’ll support me in staying. But I can’t tell him anything definite until I’ve told mom.

And once the homestead comes into view, I feel the pit of my stomach lurch.

A stab of anxiety gripping me when I see mom and her new friend, Ben, waiting on the huge porch.

With all our luggage.

Mom has her hands over her brow, as if it makes her eyes binoculars or something.
