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“Always, baby. I’m always yours.”



Icrossedmyarmsunder my chest and peeked out my front window. Before the guys had come back into my life, I’d agreed to go to a neighborhood Christmas party. I’d been lonely, and I wanted to feel a little holiday cheer for once. I wasn’t lonely anymore, though. I wanted to stay home and watch a Christmas movie with the guys.

I’d already called the woman hosting the party, Nicole, and tried to beg off, explaining that I had three friends staying with me, but she’d just demanded I bring them, too. It didn’t occur to me until much later that most of the neighborhood had witnessed the guys coming and going and probably wanted to know what was happening.

Nicole’s driveway was full of cars, and I could hear the faint hum of Christmas music through my walls. It would probably be fun. Probably. I just felt nervous. I was wearing a Christmas dress that I wasn’t sure about, and the guys were still out. They’d gone out together to get something hours earlier, leaving me to get ready, but they were still gone.

I shook out my hands and checked the clock one more time. I had to go. I was pushing just past fashionably late. Checking myself out in the mirror again, I sucked in my stomach and tugged the hem of the dress down. I wasn’t sure what I’d been thinking. I’d had the dress in the back of my closet for years and I’d never been brave enough to wear it. Short, red, and sequined, it was a perfect holiday dress. I’d paired it with red high heels and more makeup than I typically would wear. My hair was even slightly more tamed than normal. I just… didn’t know.

The longer I stared at myself, the more flaws I found, so I shut my eyes, turned the bathroom light off, and left my house. A sense of sadness washed over me as I made my way across the street without the guys. They’d blown me off. Something had probably come up, I told myself. They’d show up as soon as they could.

Nicole opened the door for me after I knocked, wearing a beautiful green velvet dress and a brilliant smile. “Violet! Hi! Come on in. Where are your friends?”

I handed her the gift bag I’d put together for her and glanced behind me once more. “They got held up. They’ll be by later, I think. Anyway, I brought you a gift. It’s nothing crazy, but I—”

She’d already yanked the tissue paper out of the way and was clutching a large candle I’d poured into a specialty jar, just for her. She popped it open and brought it to her nose, inhaling deeply. “Oh, god, Violet. I’d heard that your candles smell like heaven, but these are… I think I just orgasmed. Wow.”

I laughed and felt some of my tension ease. “Thanks! I’m glad that people are talking about them.”

“Oh, you have no idea. You’ve become quite the topic of conversation, ma’am. Come into the kitchen and talk with us. You’ll see.” She took my hand and pulled me after her. “Killer dress, by the way. I’ve never seen you out of leggings and those giant T-shirts you wear. You’ve been hiding a banging body, lady!”

My ears burned, and I chewed on my lip as I feared what they’d been talking about, or what theywantedto talk about. “Thank you. I was feeling nervous to wear it. You know how it is.”

She pulled me into a bigger kitchen and into a circle of women I recognized from the street. “We all know how it is. I changed four times before settling on this dress.”

Gina Lowe rested her hand on her very pregnant belly. “All of you shut up. Have you ever seen sexy maternity clothes? No? I didn’t think so.”

I smiled at her, inching closer to the warm vibe she exuded, despite her words. “You’re beautiful. I always want to tell you when I see you walking by, but I never wanted to be weird by just stopping you.”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh, I like you. Come here and tell me all about yourself. I know that your name is Violet Thomas, you’ve lived in Holiday Village for a long time, and you make candles that make women want to fuck.”

“Gina!” Another woman I didn’t recognize grasped her necklace and shook her head.

Gina waved her off. “I also know you’ve been keeping company with three of the hottest men around. Jayden Lancaster built the addition to our house a few years ago. I didn’t get a thing done the entire time he was there. The man works with his shirt off.”

Nicole fanned herself. “And Ian Cooper. Lord. A friend of a friend, no names, used his services while going through a nasty divorce. He’s one fine hunk of man.”

Maggie Haynes caught my gaze. I knew she was a teacher in town, and she was around my age and single. “Adam guides the kids once a semester around the forest. He’s such a beautiful man.”

My palms itched as I forced a smile. I didn’t like the way she got all breathy while talking about Adam. She clearly had her sights set on him.

“Is he coming? I heard he was coming, and I wanted to take a chance at seeing him without all the kids around.”

A loud commotion at the front of the house saved me from having to answer her, but I didn’t have to, after all. Adam, Ian, and Jayden had arrived. They were arguing about something and apologizing to people for bumping into them while coming deeper into the house. When they were closer, I made out what they were saying.

“I told you it started at seven, man. I told you and you were so sure it was eight.” Jayden sounded like he was arguing with his best friend on the playground.

“You should’ve checked! Why would you listen to me about time? In the time you’ve known me, have I ever been right about it, once?” Adam groaned and managed to sound just like one of the little kids I imagined he led through the forest.

“I’m going to murder both of you and bury you so far out there that no one will ever find you. If she’s upset, you’re done. You justhadto go to the last store. God. I feel like I’ve been with a couple of high school girls all day.” Ian’s gravel-filled voice was even rougher than normal.

“You’re the one who wanted to go into that pet store and buy your dog a sweater!” Jayden grunted and swore. “Watch your elbows or I’m going to find my nail gun.”

“There you go, talking about nails again.” Ian swore then, followed by the sound of something bumping into Nicole’s walls.
