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“Ian!” Violet pulled out a clear ornament that had a picture of her and Demon in it. He’d written something on the back of it about it being Demon’s and Mom’s first Christmas. “I’m his mom? Oh, Ian. I love it!”

“Of course you’re his mom. He loves you.” He helped her hang it and kissed the top of her head.

My box was wrapped perfectly, my years of right angles never abandoning me, but I felt a wave of nerves as I handed it to her. The ornament inside was something I’d had from our first go round together. I watched her face as she opened it and felt my stomach tighten as she cried harder. I gathered her in my arms and held her tightly. “Angel, you’re killing me. Are these happy tears?”

She wrapped her arms around my neck, the small wooden rocking chair in her tight grip. “You saved it. After all this time?”

I pulled back and nodded down at her. “Of course, Angel. We made it together the day we met. I knew from that moment that we were supposed to grow old together, end up in rocking chairs somewhere.”

She lifted her mouth and sighed when I gently kissed her. Pulling away, she hung it on the tree and stood back, looking at her ornaments with the biggest, purest smile on her face. “They’re so perfect. Best presents ever.”

Adam raised his eyebrows at me, and we both looked at the pile of presents in the corner. He chuckled. “We have a few more for you, little rabbit.”

Violet turned around, shocked. “What? No! You didn’t have to do anything else. These ornaments were the best thing anyone has ever given me.”

Ian rolled his eyes and playfully slapped her ass. “I know for a fact that you wrapped at least six presents for each of us. Plus one awkwardly-shaped present we’re supposed to share.”

“It’s about quality, not quantity. You’ve already topped anything I could give you.”

“Beg to differ.” Adam pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck. “With every part of me, I beg to differ, little rabbit.”



Istaredatmyselfin the bathroom mirror and twisted around to see the back of the guys’ final gift. It was their gift to share, if I could ever get it closed. Frustration was a threat to the delicate silk material, but I’d been stretching and bending for over ten minutes while trying to tie the back of the stupid thing.

“Baby, you okay?”

I bent over and rested my forehead on the countertop. “Yeah! Just a minute more!”

“Need any help?” I could hear the strain in Ian’s voice. They were all ready for the rest of the night to begin. As was I.

“No, no! I’m just going to need a minute. Be right out!” I met my gaze in the mirror and glared at myself. I should’ve just asked for help, but I was determined to walk out of the bathroom looking as sexy as possible.

A few more minutes of gymnastics passed before I heard the guys grumbling. I moved closer to the door to hear what they were fussing about, worried it was me.

“Who told someone else we were staying here?” Ian groaned. “If I don’t get my hands on our woman soon, I’m kicking someone’s ass.”

“Just answer the door so we can get rid of them.” Adam sounded just as wound up as Ian. “Fast.”

It was Jayden who I heard greet my sister, though. “Rose? Everything okay?”

“Just need to talk to my sister really fast. It’ll only take a minute.” I heard Rose come closer and then gasp. “Wow! You guys really love her, don’t you?”

I cracked the door and reached an arm out to grab her. She was the perfect solution to my problem. I dragged her inside and shut the door again just as quickly.

She looked at me and screamed before laughing hysterically and opening a floor length robe to show me that she was wearing the exact same costume as I was. She doubled over and jerked her thumb at her back. “I came for help tying it!”

I was losing it just as much as her. Of all the things I’d expected, it wasn’t to hit on a twin experience with a sex costume. I wiped my eyes and turned to show her the back of mine, still untied. “I was starting to get sweaty from trying to get it.”

She grabbed the ties and worked them together easily, in under thirty seconds. “I got a cramp in my side and cried out. Anthony thought I’d fallen and hit my head. And when I said I needed to come see you, he checked my pupils for signs of a concussion.”

I giggled hard enough that I snorted, and then we both laughed even harder. When I could, I tied her costume, and then we both stared at ourselves in the mirror. The red silk material formed a Christmas bow, with a strap covering the downstairs and upstairs, but almost everything else was exposed. I looked like a present, and I felt sexy as I saw my curves against the silk.

Rose hip-bumped me. “I’ve got to get back to myhusband. And you’ve got alotof putting out to do. They went all out for you, Vi. It’s so sweet.”

I slapped at her hands and made a face. “Stop it. Don’t make me blush.”
