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“Did you know that your dad proposed to your mom in the middle of dinner?” Jayden nodded to her parents. “He meant to wait until after, but he was so nervous that he just blurted it out. His words.”

Debbie smiled through her tears. “It was perfect.”

“The entire dinner party was held up, but it worked.” Pat hugged his wife close. “Sometimes, when you know, waiting is just too hard to do.”

I shoved my hand into my pocket and ran my fingers over the small wooden box. “We’ve seen you grow so much in every way this past year, Vi. We’ve seen the work you put in—everywhere, including here with your family. We wanted to respect that, so we went to talk to your dad a few weeks ago. He told us that story and asked us where we thought the perfect place to propose to you would be. For us, it wasn’t so much a place as a smell.”

Ian chuckled through his own emotion as Violet started crying harder. “The scent of a moment means so much to you. Here, with the scent of your family home, us, Christmas, and the people you love most in the world, we knew it’d be perfect. A scent that brings to life your past, present, and future.”

Jayden took a moment before he stepped forward and dropped to one knee. “What do you say, Angel? Will you marry me?”

I knelt beside him. “Marry me, little rabbit. Make me the happiest man alive.”

Ian went to one knee next to me. “I think it’s time you married me already. I’ve been waiting my whole life, baby.”

We each pulled out the rings we’d gotten her: three bands that intertwined to create one ring, just the way the three of us had come together to be the family that she needed.

Violet dropped to her knees in front of us and wiped at her face. She was a mess of tears and makeup, but she’d never been prettier. Her hands shook as she reached into the pocket of her dress. “I was going to wait, but since we’re ruining everyone’s dinner, what the hell?”

She pulled out a pink stick and grinned at us. I stared at it and then at her face. My heart hammered painfully. “Is that…?”

“I’m pregnant!” She wiggled closer to us. “I love you. Each of you. I love you for your hearts, for your souls, for being so open with your love for me. I’ve never known three better men. You’re each brave, strong, and willing to fight to the death for me, if you had to. I can feel your love like a tangible thing, and I don’t know what I did to get this lucky, but I’ve told you a million times. I’m greedy. Even if I cheated the system and I don’t deserve you, I’m never letting you go. Now ring me, dammit! I’ve been waiting for forever.”

I was in a stupor, but I slid my ring onto her finger. “Pregnant?”

Jayden was breathing hard next to me. “Pregnant. Pregnant?”

Ian waited for his turn and slid his ring on last. “Pregnant.”

Violet giggled. “Are you broken?”

“Nowcan we eat?”

I glared at Sue. “Goddammit, Sue! Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something here? You’ll get your dinner in just a second.”

Debbie laughed. “Sue, you’d better let them process.”

Jayden shouted suddenly. It was his football shout, his winning touchdown shout. “You’re pregnant!”

“And engaged.” Violet bit her lip and raised her eyebrows. “Well?”

I grabbed her and dragged her into my arms, kissing her with my entire being. Pressing my forehead to hers, I gave up on fighting my emotions. “We’re going to have a baby?”

Jayden was on his feet, pumping his fist and cheering. “We’re having a baby! I’m going to be a dad!”

Violet grinned and nodded. “We’re having a baby.”

The sound of Ian falling over shocked me enough to jumpstart my brain. I had to wait to celebrate, though. Everyone jumped into action when we saw that Ian had passed out. Violet held his head in her lap and fanned him while I held his legs up and Jayden paced close by. Debbie was on her way to call an ambulance when Ian’s eyes shot open.

“I’m going to need another gun. I’m going to need to learn medical shit. What if a baby chokes? My hands are too big to reach in there and get stuff out. I need one of those wraps to wear our baby on my chest while I work. Oh, my god. What if Demon hates our baby? Should I build a swing or buy something premade? I don’t believe in spanking. Do you believe in spanking? Shit.”

Violet cupped his face and pressed her lips to his. She kissed him slowly and gently until I had to clear my throat and drop my napkin over his pants. She lifted her face and giggled when she saw his state.

“Okay, everyone, give the man some privacy!” Pat was struggling to hold in his laughter. “This tops our story, honey.”

Ian blinked up at Violet. “You’re going to have our baby?”

She smiled through a fresh batch of tears. “If I say yes, are you going to pass out again?”
