Page 16 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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“It’s no better than using the internet to self-diagnose.” the doctor grumbled. It took everything Ryan had not to snap at the man.

“Kelly.” The doctor called her name, “Can you open your eyes for me?”

HER EYELIDS FELT fused shut. She tried to open them, but all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and go to sleep. The bed was so comfortable and being surrounded by his scent made her wolf happy. It pissed the human side of her off, but she was too tired to battle with her instincts. It had another side effect though. Her heat was burning through her far more intensely than the suppression drugs should have allowed. Even as hurt as she was, she could still feel the need to mate and it was getting harder to ignore.

Jonas called for her again and Kelly finally opened her eyes, her gaze colliding with first the doctor’s and then Ryan’s, making her want to squeeze her eyes shut again.

“I hear you’ve had quite an exciting evening. Let’s see how that side of yours is doing.” The doctor moved towards her and Kelly clutched the blanket like a shield in front of her.

“Not unless he leaves.”

“Ryan I’m going to need you to step into the other room.” The doctor’s tone was dismissive and he didn’t bother to glance at Ryan.

“I’m your alpha. This is my house.”

“And she’s my patient. She’s asked you to leave, and I do need to examine her.” This time the doctor’s gaze did leave his patient to clash with Ryan’s.

Kelly ignored the hurt and bewildered expression that crossed his face. Once he was gone she let the blanket fall away and allowed Jonas to lift the shirt she wore.

“This should be healing better.” he poked at the pink skin. Shifting should have healed the wound and erased any trace of it instead, it looked like she’d scar. “Kelly, I need you, to be honest with me. I’ve been treating you for years now and I know you’ve held things back from me, but we’re at a tipping point here. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me the truth.”

Kelly felt tears burn in her eyes. “The heat suppression drugs aren’t working anymore. You’ve had me on the maximum dose for a while now, but recently I’ve had to double the amount I’ve been taking just to get through my cycles, and each time it gets harder.”

Jona’s eyes widened his shock at her words obvious. “Kelly that’s incredibly dangerous you could be doing irreparable damage to your body. Especially with the way your health has been declining. You must let me do further testing. I need to understand what’s going on with your physiology.”

“It doesn’t matter. Right now, I just want to go home.”

RYAN GROWLED ON the other side of the door. He hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but with lycan hearing it was inevitable. He’d have heard her anywhere in the house. He bit back a second growl. She wanted to leave. He’d just found her, and now she wanted to leave him.

You didn’t just find her she’s been under your nose for years and you ignored her. He ignored the reminder from his annoying, nagging conscience. He watched as Jonas emerged from his room.

“She’d like to leave, but I know you heard that.” Jonas’s tone was weary as if expecting a fight from his Alpha.


Every instinct he had was telling him to go get her and bring her back to his bed and keep her with him where she belonged. He was fighting those instincts. She had been so pale and exhausted when Jonas helped her home that Ryan hadn’t wanted to make her ordeal harder, but now laying in his bed where she’d been inhaling her scent was making his wolf crazy.

Insanity was the only way he could justify climbing through one of her windows later that night. He growled softly when Clay opened her bedroom door. Man and wolf hated that the other man still lingered around their mate, but as quickly as he’d poked his head in her ducked out again making Ryan realize that Ckay wasn’t a threat and was only following his instincts to take care of her.

As soon as Ryan was alone in the room with her his wolf calmed. When she whimpered any semblance of quiet control he’d managed to build evaporated.

“Ryan!” she called out for him in her sleep, and his patience snapped. He hadn’t meant to disturb her. Keeping away from her was nearly impossible though. He didn’t know what he was doing. His behavior was so far out of line, but he couldn’t seem to reign himself in. He’d been out of his bed and halfway to her house before his intentions had registered.

She was his mate and that awareness had roused the animal within him. His wolf refused to be subdued. He demanded to be close to their mate, to comfort her and protect her if she needed them.

“Kelly, wake up,” he whispered gently, afraid of startling her. When she stretched slowly, blinking her eyes open, her gaze was filled with lust, but as the remnants of sleep left her the lust faded and she schooled her features into a neutral look. It was as if she’d wiped her expression clean leaving a blank slate instead. He hated it.

“What are you doing here?” Sleep made her voice rough and he imagined it was a similar timber to how she would sound if she’d spent the night crying out her pleasure. He gave himself a mental shake as fear and anger crept into her tone.

“I was worried about you.”

“So, you broke into my house?” She stared at him, and Ryan felt a flush rising his neck to stain his cheeks, but he nodded not wanting to lie to her.

“You’re crazy.”

“Yeah, probably.” He admitted it readily knowing that since realizing she was his mate he’d gone more than a little crazy. “Can I stay? Can we talk?”

She sighed heavily, then reached for the bedside lamp casting a soft glow in the room where before there had been deep shadows.
