Page 19 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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“Hell no! If Kelly needs a mate she got one.”

Kelly groaned. His tone was arrogant and it pissed her off, “Why now?” she couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice.

“Since there’s no reason to stay Jonas, we’ll leave. This is best worked out between us anyway,” Ryan said, looking her way. It was on the tip of her tongue to deny him. Her wolf wanted to follow him anywhere but the human side of her couldn’t get past her hurt pride. “Do you want to have this conversation in front of the doctor?” he asked as if sensing her impending refusal.


Once she was back in his house, the sense that it was right settled into her and she gave up fighting. She needed him to survive. Without him, she’d wither away and die, but allowing him to mate her didn’t mean she had to love him. She could make sure this was just a temporary fix to save her.

“So, what now?”

“I don’t know Kelly, this is all new to me too.”

“We don’t even know each other how can we possibly mate?” Kelly paced across his living room, her nervousness making her fidget.

“We’ll have time to get to know each other. Right now, we have to focus on you getting well and strong again.” Kelly opened her mouth to argue but Ryan stopped her. “I felt how run down you are Kelly. I’ve held you and know how thin and ill you’ve become. You can’t go on like this.” Ryan put his hand on her shoulder stopping her pacing.

Kelly swallowed her pride closed the distance between them. “You’re my mate? Then prove it.” She issued the challenge, her lycan needed Ryan to step up.

He shook his head. “No baby, I kissed you last time. You want me then you gotta come and take what you want.”

RYAN CHALLENGED HER right back. He was an alpha and she needed to be an alpha in attitude too. He needed someone who would be his partner not only inside their bedroom but outside too. He watched her carefully, trying to judge how she was dealing with his demand.

A blush covered her cheeks and then she leaned into him bringing her body flush against his and kissed him. It was a tentative caress, but she’d made the first move and it was all that mattered. His lips parted under hers as he encouraged her to explore. He growled in the back of his throat when her tongue stroked his and the kiss deepened.

She tasted of sweet heat and innocence, and it was that flavor that had him panting with nerves when she pulled back. Lycans were a very passionate, sexual race, and although when they mated, they were monogamous it didn’t mean they were chaste, she tasted of purity he’d not been expecting. Even their first kiss hadn’t prepared him for his response to her.

“I could kiss you for the rest of forever.”

“I’ve never done this before.” Her shy admission was like liquid fire through his blood. He pulled her closer, aligning their bodies so he could rub against her while trying to hide his shock. He pressed closer, an animalistic need to have his scent on her diving him.

“It’s okay we’ll figure it out together.” It was all new to him as well because while he’d been with other women before, none of them were Kelly.

Kelly was his blood mate. The woman who was a perfect complement to him, and the one he’d spend the rest of his life with. His wolf could feel it, and the need to bite her and consummate the pairing was strong. Their mating would forge a bond between them that would deepen over time.

Ryan kissed her again, this time taking control. His hand gripped the back of her neck as he fused their mouths, and when he lifted her weight against him, she wrapped her long legs around his waist. He walked them from his living room down the short hall and into his bedroom, all while he continued to kiss her.

When he pulled away they were both panting, desperate for breath. He set her on her feet next to the bed, tugging his shirt over his head before kissing her again.

“Don’t be nervous,” he said softly next to her ear, before feathering kisses across her jaw and down her throat. She seemed to melt at his touch, held in place only by the nails she dug into the muscles of his forearms.

He kept her on her feet, remembering the way she’d tensed up when her back had hit the bed the last time they kissed, and worry hit him that they were moving too fast.

He’d said they would have time to get to know each other, and it was true, but if this was her first time then perhaps he should slow down. He wanted to make it a memorable experience for her and not just a quick tumble between the sheets.

When he tried to pull back to slow down her hands came to his sides clutching at his hips denying him the space, he’d tried to create between them.

“I’m not nervous.” He smelled the lie of her words and it made him tread carefully.

“You are, but so am I. Just for slightly different reasons.” She finally allowed him to move back. He put his hands at the hem of her shirt and when she gave a small nod he pulled it up raising it over her head and casting it aside. It floated to the floor at their feet, forgotten as he stared at the flesh he’d revealed.

“You’re beautiful.” The bruising had finally faded from her skin, leaving soft smooth perfection behind, and he reveled in it running his lips and tongue over her flesh until he pulled a moan from her throat.

She was still too thin and felt fragile in his arms but her beauty was obvious and it spurred him on.

Her hands fell to the band of his jeans but he refused to remove them yet, wanting to prolong their time together as much as he could. If he took his pants off now, he wasn’t sure he could be as gentle as she needed him to be, and he wanted to give her the attention she deserved.

Instead, he reached for her jeans, his fingers making quick work of the button and zipper, the waist gapped where she’d lost a bit too much weight but they were snug on her hips. She lowered her hands to his where they rested at her waist and they both pushed the pants down her legs. She stepped out of them as he held her steady.
