Page 22 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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It was the touch of her hand on her belly that brought her out of her thoughts. Shaking her head, she focused her attention back on Jonas and Ryan who were both looking at her with an odd expression.

“Sorry, you were saying?”

“I’ve been doing some research since you were in my office, and it’s very rare Lycan’s find their mates as early as you did.”

“Okay, but why should that matter?” Kelly asked.

“It makes perfect sense after mating if the couple chooses not to be together for some reason, they can separate. There’s a level of withdrawal and discomfort depending on how long the couple has been mated.”

“That’s not the case here though,” Ryan said interrupting Jonas.

“Well no, you hadn’t physically mated but I think the symptoms you’ve experienced Kelly, are a result of your wolf sensing her mate knowing Ryan was close and being denied. You’ve been going through the effects of mate withdrawal for years.” The room was silent as both Kelly and Ryan digested what the doctor had told them.

“That can’t be it. I would have shown signs as well.”

“Haven’t you?” Jonas eyed him skeptically but Ryan just shook his head.

“I think you have but at a different rate. You didn’t realize that you were mates. I think this gave you an advantage, being the alpha probably helped as well, but recently you’ve been restless, and irritable. Perhaps sensing how your mate was suffering?”

RYAN FELT LIKE he was going to puke. Jonas explained what he believed her body and mind had been going through for the last twelve years, and all while he’d had no clue. It was rare that mates separated, but it did happen and he’d seen the results. At least normally when someone went through the mating withdrawal it was quick. The way Jonas described things Kelly had been in agony for years.

“It’s like your body has been fighting off an illness for over a decade. Understandably, you’ve been worn down in the process.”

Ryan looked to where Kelly was digesting the information Jonas had given them and his heart nearly broke seeing how shell-shocked she appeared to be.

“So, what do we do?” he asked, taking control of the conversation; giving Kelly time to process the information they’d been given.

“You mate.”

Ryan stifled a laugh. Jonas made it seem so simple sure just mate with her that would fix everything. She had seemed stronger after they’d been together though, so he couldn’t completely disregard everything the doctor said. He just wasn’t sure how he was going to convince Kelly to mate when she practically hated him.

Neither of them said anything for a long time after Jonas left, and Ryan could catch snippets of her strongest emotions as they swirled within her. Confusion and anger warred for top billing and Ryan wanted to do something to make her feel better.

SHE FELT LIKE her world was falling apart. The news Jonas had dropped on them weighed heavily on her heart and she wasn’t sure how to deal with the revelations.

“Come shopping with me.” They were finishing the dishes when Ryan invited her. She knew he was trying to distract her and thought about declining his invitation but the truth was she wanted to be with him. It was dangerous to spend too much time with him.

He’d never shown any interest in her before, and the likelihood that he was only willing to mate with her out of pity or to ease his own guilt was high, but she wanted to feel like his mate. Even if it was only for a little while.


“We should have just shopped online,” she said as they walked through the doors. As they’d pulled into the parking lot her apprehension had shot through the roof. Even though the place would close in a couple of hours it was still packed.

She hated the crowds, the feeling of too many people pressing in on her, but when Ryan wrapped his arm around her shoulder shielding her from the jostling crowds she felt safe and allowed herself to imagine how she would feel if she truly mated with him.

“You haven’t been out in weeks, come on it will be fun.” Ryan grabbed her hand, guiding her through the busy shopping center.

“I don’t like shopping.” She pushed the lie past her lips hating the stab of painful regret that shot through her. Mates weren’t supposed to be able to lie to each other, that she could force the lie out just solidified what she already suspected.

SHE WAS LYING to him, he knew it, felt it in his bones, and rubbed at the ache it left in his chest.You have to give her time. Show her she can trust you. Logically he realized this was true, but right now he just wanted their mating to be easy. Part of him wanted to call her out on the fib but he held back and instead wrapped her hand in his leading them from one store to the next

“Ryan!” The sound of his name being called had him whipping his head in that direction. When he realized who called his name his smile froze in place as he felt Kelly tense next to him. She pulled her hand from his but stood stiffly at his side. He wanted to reassure her that everything was going to be alright but he could almost see the walls she was erecting around herself.


“Oh, my gosh it’s great to see you.” She came in for a hug, and a small growl escaped Kelly. He side-stepped Hayley, avoiding her embrace and ignoring the look of hurt and confusion that clouded her gaze. Then Hayley noticed Kelly, and the smile that spread across her face was filled with knowledge that was decidedly feminine and competitive. She stepped away, including Kelly in their conversation.

“Hi Kelly, you look well. It’s been a while.” It had been nearly five years since she left the pack and she hadn’t been back to be in contact with any of her family or old friends. Though he supposed that Kelly and Hayley had never been on friendly terms. Kelly had always been polite but she’d kept her distance from both of them, and if the remnants of feeling that rolling off Kelly were any indication she was despising every second of them standing here talking.
