Page 29 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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Kelly had once thought the notion incredibly sexist but seeing Selene in the flesh she had to admit that there might be a grain of truth in the whispers.

She didn’t miss the cold angry look that Darius gave Ryan before he took his seat at the table and wondered how deep of a rift her incident with Dawnecia had caused.

Ryan refused to elaborate other than to say the other Alpha had been appeased, and that the altercation was the end of it. Kelly still felt shame over how she’d acted towards the other woman.

Ryan sent her a warm soothing wave of comfort until her feelings of embarrassment faded again. He gave no outward indication that he was worried about Darius’s reaction and Kelly couldn’t sense anything from their mental link.

“That’s because I’m not concerned.”There was laughter in his tone and Kelly swore that she could feel his hands on her a light teasing caress that was driving her mad. She squeezed her thighs together and fought her outward response to him. She watched enviously as he held a verbal conversation with the other alphas at the table all the while using his mental link to tease her.

“I will get you back for this, you know!”She sent him the promise of retribution before refocusing her attention on the meal in front of her.

She was just finishing, when she felt Clay at her elbow. She knew it was him before she looked up. She was happy to see him and let it show in the warm inviting smile she gave him.

“Oh God, don’t look at me like that. Are you trying to get me killed? Ryan has only just stopped looking at me with murder in his gaze. Please don’t give him a reason to start again.”

As if on cue, Ryan sent her a low menacing growl, and judging by the way Clay winced he’d let it leak to the more common pathway he shared with the other man.

Kelly scowled but put some distance between herself where Clay had slid in next to her. That seemed to satisfy her mate’s jealousy, so she turned her attention back to Clay noticing the sad expression on his face for the first time.

“You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Kelly asked, knowing his answer before he gave it. At his nod pain lanced through her chest. She swallowed the outcry that tried to pass her lips.

She knew she hadn’t hidden her reaction when Ryan’s gaze swung to hers. His dark brooding gaze cut through the crowd to zero in on her.

“What’s wrong?”He sent her the question but looked ready to rise from where he sat and come to her.

Kelly shook her head. A denial of Clay’s news, as well as to stop Ryan from pissing off a table full of visiting Alphas. She sent him reassurances that she was fine, before flashing him what she hoped was a convincingly warm and happy smile.

“Why?” She fought to keep the betrayal she felt out of her tone but knew she’d failed when Clay sighed.

“Kelly, you’re back with your pack. On your way to mating, and back to full health. You don’t need me here.”

“No, but I want you here,” she confessed, once again trying to fight the hurt threatening to rise inside of her.

“Jesus, Kelly. You are trying to get me killed aren’t you little wolf?” He shot a cautious glance at Ryan and looked as if he wanted to scoot away from her even if it meant falling off the bench.

“You were my only friend, Clay, after years of feeling like I didn’t fit in here. You were the only one who didn’t make me feel like I was a freak. You can’t blame me for not wanting you to leave.”

“It’s only hard because you’re making it that way. Forgive him, Kelly, let him be your mate. Be happy little wolf.”

Kelly bowed her head as his words hit their mark. The truth was she didn’t know how to forgive Ryan. As much as she might have wanted to she couldn’t let go of the hurt that she felt.

“I knew. The moment I saw him I knew we were meant for each other. I don’t understand why he didn’t.” She made the confession keeping her tone soft afraid to be overheard by Ryan or the other Alphas.

“YOU WOULD FURTHER insult our pack by denying Dawnicia and then not seating your chosen with us?”

“With all due respect Alpha Delgado the issue is more complex and is an internal matter for my pack to resolve. It has no bearing on my asking you here.” Ryan sliced off a piece of the roast on his plate and popped it into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully while he waited for the other Alpha to respond. The other man was silent, seeming to drop the argument for the time being, though his gaze never wavered from Ryan, and the remainder of the meal passed with tension thick in the air.

“He’s going to be a problem later.”The warning came from his brother. Ryan’s gaze slid to his twin, knowing the other man watched his back even while he resided with the other council members.


“Why should we be concerned with the mating problems of other packs?” Maverick posed the question once the alphas had retreated from the banquet. Ryan turned his full attention on the group comprised of each pack alpha as well as each respective council member.

“It should be a private matter to be dealt with internally. I’m sure most of us here can agree to that.” Dembe threw his support behind the other man, and Ryan wanted to scream.

He ran his hand through his hair trying to hold back his anger and frustration casting a look to his brother for intervention.

“Do not look to him to save you. It’s ridiculous that he was allowed to be a council member while you are alpha to this pack. It gives you an unfair advantage!” Darius seethed with anger, his brown eyes filled with an angry gleam as he hurled out the insult. He raked his fingers through his already disheveled hair until the caramel-colored strands stood on end. His anger was like a live wire leaking out with his turbulent emotions. Ryan could feel his resentment and it made him wonder if they would ever reach an agreement.
