Page 32 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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“I. Love. You.” He said it again, pausing to emphasize each word; letting them sink into her brain.

She reached up, her grip on his wrist strong as she pulled him away so she could speak.

“Because you have to, not because you want to. It’s biology. Nature threw us together and you don’t think you should fight that selection, but deep down I’m not what you want.”

“All love is biological Kelly, it doesn’t mean that mine isn’t real. Why do you doubt my emotions when you accept the same thing in others?”

“It isn’t real. You didn’t feel it before.”

“I’m tired of you punishing me for something that happened twelve years ago.

No, I didn’t realize we were mates. I should have. I wish I did, but I didn’t, and I can’t go back and change that. I am sorry I hurt you I didn’t mean to, but I was a kid. My life had just changed.

My dad was hurt I was chosen to lead. I didn’t have a clue what I was doing, and you were fifteen. It felt wrong to want you. Hell, itwaswrong to want you so I pushed it aside. I ignored it, I fought against it until it was an empty gnawing ache that ate at me, but never doubt the desire was there. You’ve decreed that I can’t take your blood. I can’t bind us together when it’s the one thing that would put an end to your uncertainty, but the longing to do it is there and it’s so strong that my teeth ache with the need to do it, and still, I won’t do it because I can’t bear the thought that you’ll hate me more than you already do.”


“I don’t hate you.” She whispered the words, forcing them past the lump in her throat. His confession was raw, and if she was honest she had to admit that she hadn’t taken the time to consider things from his perspective. She’d been too hurt by his rejection to realize or appreciate how much drama had been going on for him back then.

“I don’t hate you. I just don’t know how to let myself love you.”

“Can you try?” The question shook her to the core. Ryan, her big strong confident alpha, sounded so vulnerable that her heart ached. She’d held on to the hurt for so long that she didn’t know how to let it go, so she did the only thing she could think of.

She reached up and tugged aside the collar of her shirt and turned her neck.

“Bite me.” She lay next to him, feeling every bit the sacrificial lamb. Kelly could feel her heart pounding, making her pulse beat rapidly in her throat. She could feel his breath barely moving the tense line of stone-like muscles that were pressed against her as she waited for him to sink fangs into her flesh.

“Not like this.” He kissed the flesh she had exposed. Kelly swallowed hard, trying to ignore the pain at yet another perceived rejection.

“Why?” She hated how small and lost her voice sounded, but couldn’t keep from voicing the question.

“It would hurt if I just bit you, and I don’t want you to agree to this just because you think that you should.”

His explanation made sense. She knew he was being logical but it still felt like rejection. She snarled, frustrated and angry. She’d finally made a decision and he would deny her?

She was his rightful mate and wouldn’t be denied any longer. It would kill her if he pushed her away but her instincts told her that if she didn’t try now she would lose him for good.

Moving quickly so that he couldn’t stop her, she swung her leg over his, shifting her weight so that he was pinned under her. Kelly ignored the growl that rose in his throat even as Ryan tried to stifle it.

It was an instinctive reaction to the submissive position she’d put him in. He could have taken control from her. She could feel his need to do so humming below the surface of his skin and was surprised when he didn’t become the aggressor and reverse their roles so that he had the advantage. Instead, he watched her, curiosity shining in his gaze.

Kelly knew he wouldn’t be able to fight his nature for long so she leaned forward and kissed him, fusing their lips while she rubbed her body against his. A frustrated growl filled the room, and it took her a moment to realize the sound had escaped from her throat.

They were both wearing too many clothes, but that was easily fixed. She fisted the material of his shirt and gave it a sharp tug. Buttons scattered and the sound of fabric rending was loud.

Kelly gave an appreciative groan and let her hands explore the skin she’d exposed. There wasn’t much give to his flesh as she caressed him.

There was a second loud ripping sound. Kelly gasped as he tore through the material of her blouse.

“You started it.” He grinned and gave her a playful shrug while he pushed the torn material off her shoulders and down her arms.

She leaned forward and repeated the rubbing motion, this time pressing their skin together, unable to deny the urge to have his scent on her and to put hers on him.

Kelly pressed her mouth to the base of his throat then trailed her lips down his chest letting her tongue peek out to tease him. It was that action that broke whatever control Ryan had left.

“My turn,” he said, as he lifted her and swept her under him. “See what you get when you play with fire, baby?” She couldn’t keep her hips still as he reached between them to release the button holding them closed. The zipper lowered faster than she thought possible.

His hand sought and found her damp flesh and he slid a finger inside of her, and then a second. She arched against his onslaught, needing to be closer to him. She grew wetter, her body welcoming him as he thrust into her mimicking what would follow.
