Page 33 of Lycan's Mate Denied

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He pulled back making Kelly protest.”We have way too many clothes on.” Ryan said cutting off her objection to his stopping.

She hurried to remove the rest of her clothing when he put space between them so that she could do so. She got tangled in the torn shirt and had to wait for Ryan to finish undressing so that he could help work her free from the confining material. The delay did nothing to cool her need for him though, and as soon as the shirt was tossed aside she was on him again.

“Easy.” he cautioned, and his fierce hold on her loosened. Kelly didn’t want easy though and she didn’t want him to be gentle. Words weren’t working so she did the only thing she could think of to get her point across.

When he kissed her again she sank her teeth into his lower lip, tugging when he would have pulled away, then soothed the sting with her tongue. She lapped over the small wound and felt the shift in energy between them when she cleaned up the bit of blood she’d drawn.

HIS CONTROL SNAPPED. His world narrowed to the feeling of her tongue sliding over his lower lip and thoughts of holding back evaporated with his good intentions.

Ryan shifted so that he was between her thighs. He pushed them wider to accommodate his large frame then he gave her exactly what she’d been angling for and slid his fingers back inside of her, zeroing in on her g-spot with his index and middle finger while keeping pressure on her clit with his thumb. When she tried to curl in on herself and her muscles tightened with her impending climax, he used her other hand to press against her lower belly holding her down and open for his ministrations.

“Come for me.” The harsh command was nearly an inhuman growl but it achieved his goal. Kelly threw her head back against the pillow while her body shook beneath him and before the tremors had stopped Ryan had her flipped onto her belly.

He urged her to her knees and spread them apart. She was breathtaking, and he could have looked at her all day. The sight of her sex, pink, swollen and glistening made his mouth water. his testicles drew up tight to his body and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer.

Ryan aligned their bodies and drove into her with a quick snap of his hips. His fingers, on one hand, dug into her hips while the other rubbed circles around her clit.

She was going to come again. He could feel her body coiling tighter. He pinched the hard throbbing bud between his fingers giving one last thrust as he emptied into her body. She exploded around him and as she did he struck.

His teeth elongated and sharpened, taking the shape of their lycan counterparts. The points pierced the flesh of her neck, the copper tang of her blood coated his tongue, and it spurred him to keep going and he drew on her neck deepening the love bite.

He was still hard despite having gained his release; the blood bond between them demanding to be complete. She must have felt it too because she twisted her neck to try to reach him.

Ryan released her, not wanting to tear where he’d bitten her. He allowed her space so that they could change position, and moved so that he sat with her in his lap, entering her again as he did so. This time their joining was gentle and helped Kelly rock her pelvis against his. He watched the passion flare in her gaze again, turning the golden hues molten.

When she was nearing her completion he angled his neck in offering to her. She bit down.

The bond between them seemed to expand, then snap into place like a rubber band with either of them on each end.


Kelly fell forward, trusting implicitly that Ryan would hold her weight. She could hear the thundering of his heart under her ear and knew that it matched her own.

The sweet tang of his blood still coated her tongue. She’d bitten him hard. He’d likely carry her mark, a scar for all to see for the rest of their lives together.

“Well, that will put a stop to the other women”.She yelped when Ryan’s hand landed on her butt cheek.

“There won’t be any other women!” Ryan growled, then soothed away the sting of his swat rubbing in circles meant to comfort her. “We’re bonded now, Mate. I can hear your thoughts much clearer now.” He kissed her forehead, adjusting his hold on her so that they could snuggle under the blankets.

She realized then that neither of them was shielding from the other. She could read his thoughts and feelings as clearly as if they were her own.

Knowing how much he loved her healed any residual hurt that remained over their past. She breathed a sigh of relief as her wolf settled within her, finally content.


Her eyes snapped open, the room was dark. Kelly wasn’t sure what had woken her. Ryan still lay under her, his breathing deep and even. Whatever had disturbed her sleep hadn’t bothered him. She was about to close her eyes again but the feeling that something wasn’t right wouldn’t go away.

Instead of reaching for the light on the nightstand or speaking, she reached out to Ryan mentally letting him feel her nervousness as he shook off sleep.

“Something is wrong. Someone is here.”She gave him the warning, realizing that there was an artificial smell permeating the room. It was as if someone had used something to cover their scent.

Ryan shifted so that he was no longer under her. “Stay quiet,”he warned, while he reached for a pair of his boxers. Kelly didn’t have to be told, not wanting to face their enemy naked she dressed as well, pulling on his discarded T-shirt. It wasn’t perfect but she was covered.

She let out a small gasp when cold metal touched the base of her throat.Ryan!

RYAN WHIPPED HIS head around at Kelly’s distressed tone. Rage and fear formed a cold knot in his belly at the sight of a lethal blade against the tender flesh of her neck.

It lay threateningly over the mating mark he’d given her and he knew one wrong move would slit her throat.
