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‘Theo,’ she breathed, because almost immediately she found herself on the brink of an orgasm, as she had been so many times before. ‘Oh, God, Theo.’

But he withdrew his hand and pulled away, the faint shake of his head sending arrows of disappointment shooting up her spine.

‘No. Not like this,’ he informed her sternly. ‘This time we do it properly.’

Or improperly, thought Mia dreamily, vaguely aware of him reaching for what was obviously a condom as she heard the tearing of foil. Did he always have one to hand? she wondered jealously. Through half-closed eyes she watched as he slid the protection on and she had to suppress the stupid thought that if they’d stayed married they might have had a little baby by now. Or a small child, even.

But then he was kissing her again and all those pointless thoughts dissolved. Everything was forgotten as her world became centred in this bed and what Theo was doing to her. His big hands had begun to explore her body, as if he were reacquainting himself with every centimetre of her flesh. His rapt thoroughness thrilled her, even if he seemed curiously detached at times. A rush of liquid warmth flooded through her and he gave another murmur of appreciation as his fingers relocated its source. He licked her breasts, her belly and her thighs, though his mouth stayed poised above her aching bud and she could have screamed out loud with frustration.

Was his effortless self-control threatening to desert him? she wondered. Was that why he gave that almost angry little growl as he moved over her, the warmth and weight of his body making her feel deliciously fragile, for the first time in her life?

‘Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?’ he ground out harshly.

And now Mia could see that his self-control wasn’t effortless at all. Judging by the tension which made his face look like dark marble, he only just seemed to be holding onto it by a thread. His eyes didn’t leave her face as he positioned himself over her, but as she felt the broad tip of his hardness nudging against her molten heat, Mia quickly shut her eyes. Because what if all her love and longing came back the moment he entered her?

And then he did. Filling her with that first long, slow thrust. The pain was swift—forgotten almost as quickly as it had happened. Had she cried out? Was that why he stopped, his words an urgent imperative?

‘Open your eyes, Mia.’

Tentatively, she obeyed, her lashes fluttering open to meet the gleaming black searchlight of his.

‘Does it hurt?’

She shook her head. ‘It did. A bit. But not now. Not any more.’

He swallowed. ‘Does this?’

Soft heat began to filter through her veins as he began to move with infinite precision inside her. ‘Oh, no,’ she whispered, with breathless delight. ‘That definitely doesn’t hurt.’

His fingers tangled in her hair as kissed her and began to take up a rhythm, slowly at first, until her body had relaxed enough to accommodate him. On a purely anatomical level, it was astonishing that he was able to fit so comfortably inside her. And then she was done with analysing. Done with everything apart from what was happening to her. She was doing things she hadn’t realised she knew how to do. Lifting her legs, she hooked her thighs around his back and he gave a low laugh of pleasure as he cupped her buttocks with the palms of his hands, and increased his speed. She gasped as he drove deeper inside her and he bent his head so that his warm breath fanned her lips.

‘You like it like this?’

‘Isn’t it obvious?’ she gasped. ‘Do you like it too, Theo?’

‘Isn’t it obvious?’ he ground out mockingly.

But when it happened it shocked her—because surely one orgasm was the same as any other, and Theo had made her come plenty of times in the past. But as her body contracted around his and he made a sudden choking moan which sounded almost...helpless... Mia realised she had been wrong.

Because this was different.Thiswas intimacy. This man. Inside her. Her heart beating against his. Their flesh joined. Literally. The slowing pump of his seed. Just the thought of it blew her away. Made her grow soft with yearning.

But that way of thinking was spiked with danger and right now she didn’t want anything spiky in her life—not when she could feel a delicious languor creeping over her. She felt sleepy and thoroughly satisfied. So she laid her head against Theo’s chest and listened to the muffled thunder of his heart, and in that moment Mia felt something very close to contentment.

Theo lay with his eyes wide open as Mia slept against him, her head resting on his heart. He could feel the steady rhythm of her warm breath and feel the tickle of her hair, which curled like fiery snakes against the darkness of his chest.

He was tempted to stroke her magnificent breasts again but, despite the proximity of a peaking nipple, he resisted the temptation, grateful for this brief respite. Relieved to have been left alone with his thoughts, even though they were making him uncomfortable. He stared up at the ceiling, at the motionless blade of the fan which reminded him of the helicopter which had brought her here today. He thought how remarkable it was that, in a few short hours, the world as he knew it had changed.

His body was sated. He could never remember feeling so empty yet so satisfied, all at once. As if he had just devoured a delicious meal yet already his appetite was sharp and hungry for more. His body had begun to stir, the warmth of the naked woman in his arms making him grow harder with every second that passed.

His mouth was dry and he swallowed, but that did nothing to alleviate the dustiness of his throat. He could have reached out to pick up a glass of water from the bedside table but he didn’t want to move. He needed to get his head straight before she woke and to put everything in perspective.

He sighed. He’d spent a long time wondering what sex with Mia would feel like and although everyone knew comparisons were odious, it was human nature to make them. And now he had made the unwelcome discovery that nobody compared to her. Because the sex had been...

Ever the perfectionist, he searched around for the right word. Sublime.Neh.He suppressed a bitter laugh. The best sex of his life.And he didn’t want it to be.Hadn’t he been hoping it would have been something of an anti-climax, especially when he’d discovered that she had remained a virgin? Hadn’t he wanted it to be clumsy and forgettable?

But there had been no awkwardness or embarrassment, despite her inexperience. He could never remember kissing a woman as deeply as he had kissed Mia. Could never remember coming so hard, or for so long, of feeling as if she’d ripped out a fundamental part of him and exposed it to the light. His mouth hardened, as the desire to touch her again overwhelmed him and this time he did not resist. He ran his fingertips over her spine and as she murmured something incomprehensible against his chest, he started to play with her nipple, which obligingly sprang into life.

It was no big deal.
