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"We're just hoping when she wakes up,she'll have full function of her speech, her mobility."

Lemon gives her dad a hug. "I guess there's nothing we can do except wait for tomorrow, huh?"

Her father nods. "I'm Red," he tells me. "I'm guessing you’re Anchor?"

"Yes, sir." I realize in this moment, meeting her father means everything to Lemon. I'm falling for this girl hard and I'm meeting her dad. It’s the last thing I anticipated when I woke up this morning, bringing her croissants and mimosas. But here we are, with real life right in our faces.

"Well," Red says, "get yourself some pie, maybe a cup of coffee. I know it's not the birthday you were hoping for, Lemon, but at least we're together." Her father smiles at her and another woman, who I'm guessing is Prairie, hands Lemon a slice of pie.

"Here you go, birthday girl. Should I find a candle and let you make a wish?"

Lemonlaughs. "I did that on Sunday night, Prairie."

Prairie, though, rests a hand on her shoulder. "Take it from me. If you have the chance to make a wish, you never let it pass you."

I realize then that this family is more than something special. This family is forever.



We don't stay longat my parents' house. Everyone there is exhausted, worn-out from the day, and emotionally drained.

Anchor puts my coat on for me while we're standing in the foyer of my childhood home, and I turn to look at him, wondering what he feels standing here in this place that is full of all of my memories.

He's smiling and that warms my heart in ways I don't think he could know.

"I've never brought a man home," I tell him.

"What about a boy?" he teases.

I smile. "I mean, I did have a prom date."

"Who was that?" he asks. "Competition?"

"No, it was a guy named Derek. He works with my brother at the police station and he's nice enough, but no, he was nothing more than a date."

"Did he get a goodnight kiss?"

Heat rises to my cheeks. "No, he did not."

"I wouldn't mind if he had; I'm just looking for the details."

"And did Bianca on this reality show that you were apparently on get a kiss?"

He groans. "She did not. We were mortal enemies. I would say you should watch the season to understand but that is the last thing I want you to do."

We're outside walking toward his Jeep. The air is cool and crisp. It's chilly here in the mountains. It was a lot warmer out on Stout Lake.

"You don't want me to watch the show?" I ask.

“Please, no.” He chuckles.

"So what do you want me to do?" I ask, knowing my words are laced with want.

He groans as he opens the door of the Jeep for me. "I want to go to bed with you," he tells me, "that's what I really fucking want." His words are low. There's a growl in his voice and it sends a shiver up my spine, arousing a need.

I bite my bottom lip. "So why aren't you already in the driver’s seat taking me to my house?"
