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"Well, you go see for yourself, sweetheart," he says with a smile.

My eyebrows lift, realizing these men aren't going to give me any more. "Love you," I say as I walk past them, pulling open the door to Grandma's room.

And there she is, sitting up in bed, sipping out of a straw from a cup of water. She sets it down when she sees me. "Oh, Lemon,” she says, "you're just who I was hoping to see."

"Grandma Rosie, are you doing okay?"

"Oh, baby girl, I'm doing okay now. They tell me I have to go to a rehabilitation center, but it's an hour away. You know how I need to be at home."

"Grandma, you need to do what the doctor says. I'm just so glad you're all right.”

"Turns out I scared everyone pretty bad yesterday. I didn't mean to do it, especially not on my Lemon's birthday."

"It's okay," I say, sitting on the edge of her hospital bed, brushing her hair aside. "Grandma, I was so scared. I thought I was going to lose you..."

She takes my hand, holding me still. "I thought so too. Turns out the doctors here in Home are pretty good, and I think your grandpa keeping vigil for me all night is exactly what I needed. The power of love is a mighty thing.”

“That’s what I was thinking," I say with a soft smile. "I imagined Grandpa here with you and it made me feel at peace last night knowing you wouldn't be alone, that he'd be at your side."

"Lem, look at you. You're usually so sensible, but right now you seem downright sentimental."

I smile, tears in my eyes. "I am sentimental. It's something new I'm experiencing, but…"

"What is it?" she asks.

"Well,” I admit, “I fell in love with a man named Anchor and..."

"And what?" Grandma asks.

"I don't know if he feels the same way."

"Well, you need to find out if he does. If it's love you feel, then you need to make sure this man knows you're not going anywhere."

I smile. "That's just what Fig told me."

"Fig?" Grandma presses a hand to her chest, a smile on her face. "That girl is giving solid advice like that? I admit to being a little surprised. That old soul?"

I smile. "That's what I was thinking."I appreciate how Grandma has always seen Fig as an old soul, not the wild child.

"So where is this man? What happened to him? And how did this happen so fast? I think I saw you last week when you brought over my groceries, and I didn't hear anything about a man then."

"It happened a few days ago out at Stout Lake."

"At Stout Lake?" Grandma gasps. "Oh, sweetie, you know that's where your grandfather proposed to me."

"I do know," I say. "I remember that story well. You've been telling me since I was a little girl."

Grandma beams with pride. "He proposed out on that rowboat in the middle of that lake. It was beautiful."

I smile, thinking how I was in that very rowboat with Anchor. "I'm scared I'm not going to get the happily ever after I'm looking for."

"Well, then he's not the right man for you," she says.

Just then the door opens and the idea of my brothers breaking up another important moment of my life makes me want to yell.

But it isn't any of my family at all.

It's Anchor, here with a bouquet of flowers, a solemn look on his face. "Lemon, can I come in? Your grandpa said you were here."
