Page 36 of Grimm

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Three Weeks Later . . .

“Dimples, let’s get a move on,” Grimm calls out from the bedroom door.

“I’m coming.” I turn to look at him with a smile as I murmur with a slight rasp.

It’s been a rough time since that day at the flower shop. I haven’t been back in there, and I fear I won’t be able to for a while. What happened to me is something I’ll never forget. If not for Grimm, I don’t know if I could get through it. He’s been there from the moment I woke up in the hospital bed, and he’s not left my side.

I’d say having him around is overwhelming, but it’s not. I love having him close, more than that, I need him. He’s my anchor that keeps me from going down the dark hole of nightmares.

Everyone has been great with letting me have time to heal. They gave me space when I needed it, and were there at the times I didn’t think I could bare to be alone with my thoughts.

A week after everything happened, Shyann brought over a case with crystals in it and explained to me what each of them is for. After explaining, she told me of some of the things she’s done that helped her overcome the darkness that wanted to take hold of her. I started what she suggested, doing as she showed me, and it seemed to help.

Putting my shoes on, I walk around the bed to where Grimm’s waiting for me and give him a smile. “Where are you taking me?” I ask, not knowing what he’s planned for today. He only told me to get ready this morning and didn’t tell me anything else.

“Ready.” I lean in and lift on my toes. Grimm tilts his head down as he wraps an arm around my waist. Our lips meet, and I part mine to allow him access. We haven’t been intimate since before that day, and everything that happened due to me needing to heal, but the heat between us has been anything, if not fiery. He’s shown me in plenty of different ways how much he wants me. From massages that leave my panties soaking wet for him, to simple kisses in passing. Of course, there are also the touches and him holding me in his arms.

I couldn’t ask for more.

Grimm breaks the kiss, and I don’t bother holding back the pleading moan for more.

“Don’t worry, Dimples, I’ll make sure we continue this later when we get back here. Your mom has already picked up Justice and has informed me she’s keeping him overnight.” He grins, and I can’t help the giggle that passes my lips.

“Well, then, I guess we better get whatever it is you have planned out of the way so we can get to enjoying more of this,” I say, rubbing my hands up and down his chest. I guess you can say being pregnant has definitely amped up my desire tenfold for this man, though I’ve always craved him in more ways than I ever thought possible.

Grimm chuckles and takes my hands in his. Hopefully, whatever he has planned doesn’t take long.

* * *

Grimm drove for over an hour only to stop at a state wildlife park.

“What are we doing here?” I ask, twisting in my seat to look at him as he parks the truck. As much as I’d have loved to have been on the back of Grimm’s bike, I understand his reasoning for not taking it. He didn’t want anything to happen to me.

“We’re having lunch,” he declares and grins as he hops out.

Speechless, I follow him with my eyes as he rounds the hood of the truck and opens my door. I barely register him unbuckling before he helps me down. I’m thankful for him helping me because I don’t think I would be able to climb out without hurting myself. I feel great, but I’m still healing, and hopping out of his beast of a truck wouldn’t have felt good.

Grimm takes my hand in his, closes my door, opens the back passenger one, and grabs a bag I didn’t even know he had in here. Together we walk a bit of a way away from the truck. Grimm releases my hand only when we get to a clear patch of the green that isn’t littered with leaves or sticks and sets the bag down, unzips it, and pulls a blanket out of it. I help him set it up, and together, we spread it out on the ground.

I’m surprised by Grimm’s sweetness as he helps me take a seat on the blanket. When he joins me, he pulls out a few containers. “What’s all this, Grimm?” I ask, licking my lips nervously.

“Wanted this to be special,” he answers, lifting his gaze until we lock eyes. “Never in my life did I think I’d deserve someone like you.”I open my mouth to say something, but Grimm shakes his head and stops me. “Let me finish, baby.” I nod, and he continues. “Growing up the way I did, I’ve already told you wasn’t good. My life was saved by the club, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t already fuck up to the point I didn’t know if I could come back from it. With you in my life, though, Apricot, it’s like I can breathe easy. I don’t feel like I’m dirt anymore. You are the best part of me, and I don’t want to be without you.” Grimm reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. “I talked to Scorpion and CJ about this, and they both agreed. Now, I’m asking you, will you be my wife? Marry me? Be the woman who rides on the back of my bike for the rest of our lives and a mom to not just our kids but Justice?” He holds the ring up to my finger and slips it on as I stare at it. I’d seen it plenty of times growing up. It was the very one my birth dad gave my birth mom. The one my parents, the ones who raised me, told me stories about.

Tears prick at my eyes and start to spill down my cheeks as I nod. I finally lift my gaze back to Grimm’s, my breath hitching. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

“Good.” Grimm grins and gently lowers me to my back, his mouth capturing mine for a heated kiss.

I wrap my arms around him, and for the first time in my life, I know without a doubt that I’m where I was always meant to be, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with this man.
