Page 10 of Loving Goldie

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“You look good in my shirt.”Slacks unbuttoned, I walked into Goldie’s kitchen and the sight greeting me was one I’m ready to see every morning for the rest of my life.

“I feel good in your shirt.” She pours me a cup of coffee, hands it to me and before she can get away, I capture her lips, cradle her neck and take my first sip of the day. Yup, better than coffee. So much better. I walk her back till she bumps into the counter. Gripping her hips, I lift her onto the counter. She spreads her legs open in welcome. Bracing my hands on the cool granite, I deepen the kiss, wringing sweet sounds from her. The moment so perfect it gripped my heart, taking my breath away. I’d never get enough of this woman. She’d been so open and giving last night, driving me to the point that I almost shouted “I love you,” but I didn’t want her thinking my declaration had anything to do with just sex. No, she deserved to hear it from me when I was clear-eyed and stone cold sober. There was no way I wanted her saying my feelings for her had anything to do with the champagne we drank or the heat of our passion.

I couldn’t let another day go by that Goldie didn’t wake up knowing how much she was loved and that I wanted her in my life forever.

Goldie’s fingers dipped between the waist band of my slacks and my skin. Releasing a groan as her hand pulled me free, squeezing my cock, bringing it to her slick opening. Nothing short of a bomb going off would keep me from driving into her right now except not having another condom.

“Sweetheart, last night I used the only condom I had. But I’m clean. Actually, I’ve never had sex without one.” Resting my forehead on hers, I tried to control my breathing, holding myself rigid, waiting for her response.

“I’m clean too.” Her frustrated moan let me know she was equally desperate for me. Her seeking lips captured mine, then her mumbled words had me driving home.

“Inside me. Now!”

Had we not already been together last night consuming each other, pressed tightly long after our bodies had settled from a soul shaking simultaneous orgasm, a first for me, I would count this moment inside of Goldie as the best yet.

But it wasn’t and hopefully after today, we’d have a lifetime of moments to rival today.

She lifted her hips, locked her legs around my waist, holding me tight as I thrust into her again and again. The sound of our bodies connecting filled the room, along with the cries of my name was my undoing.

Reaching between us, I circled her clit and over and around; I pressed my thumb on her engorged clit. “Come for me Goldie.” I whispered against her ear as she fell apart, her bodying shuddering around mine as I followed, bellowing her name.

Time didn’t computer. Setting her gently on the counter without letting her go, I held her close, still buried deep as her body shuddered, aftershocks rocking through us both.

“All I can say, is…Oh. My.” She dropped kisses along my jawline before leaning back. “That was incredible, Ford.”

“Mm, hm. No words right now.” I buried my face into her neck, breathing her in, committing to memory her scent, this moment.

“I need to move and use the bathroom, but I’ll be right back.”

Stepping back as difficult as it was, I let her go because I needed to get my brain back on track, rehearsing the speech I’d been working on since I first saw her last night across the living room at Zak’s place.Shit, when had I’d turned into a sap?

Gathering up some bagels, cream cheese, marmalade, butter, I wasn’t sure yet what she liked, I reheated my cup of coffee and began boiling some water to press a new batch.

“This is nice. A man who can assemble breakfast. I like it.” She took my mug of coffee and took a long sip.

“You should see how I order takeout.” Chuckling, I watched her step out of my reach. A warning bell rang went off in my head at her action.

She made up her bagel, put it on a plate, and took over making coffee.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked, unsure if I wanted to know, but the vibes she was giving off were not what I was expecting after the phenomenal kitchen sex we’d just shared.

“Lots of things. Which one would you like to hear first?”

Warning bell two. Damn, I waited too long. I should have told her how I felt first thing. “Goldie, I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a while now. Um, how about we sit?” Sweating, I was actually sweating. Shit. I grabbed her plate and lifted her up on the counter. Might as well just go for it.

“Goldie Dupree, I knew you were the one the moment we met at your interview. I thought waiting to tell you was the best way to go, didn’t want to scare you off your first week of work.” Grinning, I cradled her face and looking her straight in the eye. “I lo—”

She put her index finger over my lips, her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. “Don’t say anything you’ll want to take back. Not until you hear me out.”

Dazed, what had just happened? The first time I want to tell a woman I love her and she cuts me off?

“Ford, I should have been clearer up front. I don’t want you to feel that you owe me empty words or promises. Last night, this morning, was…was perfect. But I’m not looking for a commitment from you or anything else. There’s no need to worry about me. I’m good with just having this night with you.”

She was smiling. But something was off. She wasn’t looking me in the eye any longer. And I wasn’t going to let her talk me, or herself out of this. “Goldie, I don’t know what to say. In fact, I’m kind of at a loss. If this has to do with work, I can assure you nothing has to change. I’ll make sure no one gives you a hard time about dating one of the bosses.”

The shadow of sadness I’d noticed last night at the party returned to her eyes.
