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He grabs me by my upper arm, his favorite part of me when he’s upset, and forcefully lifts me from my chair until I’m standing upright. Everybody watches us leave, their eyes following us out of the room to ensure that we’ve actually left.

What the fuck could they possibly be meeting about?

As Dominik is walking me through the back hallways of the basement, I see an opportunity as we approach an empty office at the very back of the building.

He must be thinking the same thing I am, because he pulls me into the office and locks the door behind us.

Without a word, he lifts my dress up to my hips and spanks me on the ass.

“You really need to learn how to behave yourself in mixed company,” he growls.

The slap stings my skin, but the implication of his actions sends my heart racing. He really does want me. He just doesn’t know what to do about it.

“What are you going to do, spank me some more? Go ahead and see if I care,” I tease, backing up into him and pressing my body against his.

I can feel his cock beginning to pulse and swell in his pants, but he doesn’t touch me back. I grind on him a little, feeling the intensity of his desire as it increases, but he doesn’t respond to me.

“I know you like it when I tease you, but I won’t touch you the way I did before. It isn’t my place,” he says solemnly.

I’m confused, but I assume he’s just talking about the inappropriate nature of our interactions. He works for my father. Of course, he feels like it isn’t his place to screw me. However, nothing has changed since we had sex, so he’ll be just as easy to reel back in.

“Come on, I want you to eat my pussy right here. Or we can go out in the hallway if you want a challenge,” I reply, turning around and reaching down to stroke him through his pants.

He doesn’t resist me at first – he leans into me, his chest pressing against mine as my nipples poke through the delicate fabric of my dress.

“Really, Mika, I can’t,” he says, pushing me off him and taking a deep breath as he walks to the other side of the room. “You just need to find something to do until the event is over.”

I’m dumbstruck by how he’s treating me. Was he not sweating on top of me, cumming inside of me just a few days ago? How did we get here from that point?

I rack my brain for an explanation, something that will make sense in the face of such a strange shift in his mood. I doubt I’ve done anything to make him angry, but how would I know if he’s so easy to upset and refuses to talk about how he feels?

I slide down the wall, sitting on the floor as we silently ignore each other. This feels wrong, and the only explanation is that my father said something to Dominik that caused him to distance himself from me. I would give anything to know what it was.



I’ve forced Mika to stay in her bedroom for the rest of the night. She has no idea how to behave, and the fact that I’ve fucked her has emboldened her to act out.

The fact is that I should have expected her to be this immature about what we did. She’s nineteen. She doesn’t fully understand the consequences of anything yet. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or someone else. She’s going to believe that sex indicates love and get attached. I should have known better, but I wasn’t able to control myself.

Still, the sex itself was good enough to keep me tempted by her. She doesn’t even need to try hard at all. Most other women throw themselves at me, and I ignore them easily because I know they have nothing to offer me.

But for some reason, Mika has this grip on me that won’t let go.

The driver is outside having a drink as the evening winds down. A few guests had come over from the event, and I’ve had to entertain the whims of so many self-absorbed assholes that my patience has run out for the next week. Fortunately, the driver and I are able to commiserate, both about the event and the family in general.

I step outside to join him, noting the fire burning steadily in the middle of the courtyard. He’s sitting back with a tumbler of whiskey, no ice, just like I’d had previously.

“Got any more of that?” I ask, pulling up a chair and sitting down for the first time in four hours.

He pulls the bottle up from his left side. “Just go ahead and take some pulls. It’s whiskey. I’m not worried about germs,” he replies in his somber, gritty voice.

I unscrew the cap and take a swig from the bottle, wincing as the burn travels down my throat and into my stomach. “Goddamn it, why did humans have to discover alcohol?”

He shrugs.

“I think everyone has left for the night,” I say, putting the bottle down between us and taking a deep breath inward.
