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For what happens to me whenever I think about giving her up and letting him have her.

It feels very similar to every bone breaking in my body, every muscle aching after a long day of practice, after a grueling fight. And every breath only adding to the trauma.

But I will let her go.

I will.

It’s the right thing to do, and while I’m not the one to do the right fucking thing, I’m going to do it.

For her.

I’ll do fucking anything for her.

So yeah, my time is running out.

Which means this is fucking pointless.

Sitting here, at The Horny Bard.

Plus she just texted me a photo of the book she’s reading tonight —Jane Eyre— with her sweet smile. Because I wanted to see her and she never denies me anything. Although she does sass me a lot and her selfie was accompanied by a message.

Servant Girl/Bubblegum

I don’t care what you say, Bandit, but I think you’re a little too obsessed with my smile. ??


I’m a little too obsessed with everything about you, Bubblegum. Now give me a kiss.

And she does. A selfie of her blowing me a kiss with her puckered pink mouth followed by another text.

Servant Girl/Bubblegum

Enjoy your night out! ??????????

But I digress, which I often do when I think about her.

So where was I?

Yeah, wasting the limited time I have with her with a night out with my fucking friends.

We’ve claimed our regular spot, a corner with a bunch of soft leather couches and all the privacy that we need. Back in high school, we used to come here a lot to troll for easy pussy. And since we were all soccer players, well known in town, all we needed was a fake ID and a cocky smile.

By we, tonight at least I mean me, Ledger, Reed, Shep, Stellan, and well, my brother, Homer.

Because along with being sassy, my Bubblegum is also very nagging and bossy.

A typical fucking girl.

She’s somehow got it in her head that I should be friends with my brother.

Just because she accidentally read a couple of texts on my phone from Homer about inviting me out to play with his club again. That she looked at my phone isn’t a problem for me. She can look at whatever the fuck she wants; I’ve got nothing to hide.

She’s the first person to know everything about me.

Very fucking weird and surreal.

But anyway, what I do have a problem with is that ever since she saw those texts, she wouldn’t let it go. She kept nagging me and asking me and telling me that I should give my brother a chance. That I should try to mend the fences.
