Page 25 of Dirty Hand

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“Yeah, pretty much. But what else am I gonna do? Ask him to come with me? I don’t want that life for him. Besides, he’d never fit into that macho culture. He’s so gay he shits rainbows.”

“Of course he can’t come with you. He’d fucking die of boredom with you gone all day, every day.”

“Then what’s your solution?”

Rob watched him as if Jack had lost a few marbles. “Dude, just quit that damn job.”



“But I can’t!”

“Why the hell not? When you took this job, remember what you told me?”

Jack frowned. That had been almost fifteen years ago. They’d both gotten discharged from the Army after serving for seven years. Jack had ended up in the lumber industry, whereas Rob had taken over this grandfather’s horse farm. A year later, his grandfather had died, and Rob had always been grateful he’d been able to spend that last year with him. But what was Rob referring to?

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You told me you’d do this for five, maybe ten years. Save up some money and then get out, find yourself a partner, and settle down. It’s been fifteen years, Jack. Isn’t it time?”

Jack opened his mouth, then closed it again. Rob was right. Jack had said that when he’d gotten this job. But then he’d become a foreman with his own logging crew, and he hadn’t been in a hurry to leave anymore. The pay was good, he loved the work, and he liked the men he worked with. And there had never been any reason to quit, since that elusive partner had never happened. Until now.

“I’d forgotten about that,” he said slowly.

Rob put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a job, Jack. That’s all. Not an identity or something you have committed to and that you can’t quit because of some honor code. Ask yourself what’s worth more. A job you like…or a man you love.” He gave Jack one last intense stare, then nodded as if he’d said his piece. “Lumber’s against that wall,” he said, pointing. “Let me know when you’re done.”

He walked out, leaving Jack on his own. After standing there for a minute, he shook himself out of it and picked up some two by fours and eight by fours and carried them back to the stalls, pondering Rob’s words. How had he forgotten about his intention to only do that job for a limited time? He’d gotten caught up in it, which was so easy to do in the rhythm he’d established. Working hard for six weeks in a team, hanging out with the boys, sharing that camaraderie. Then two weeks of relaxation with lots of sex. Rinse and repeat. It had become his whole life…and it was never supposed to be that way.

As he fixed the stall door and added some extra reinforcements to prevent Devil from kicking it in again, he considered what his life would be like if he quit. He had money saved up. Quite a bit in fact. Spending money was surprisingly hard when you stayed for six weeks in a row in some remote area where you were lucky to even find a bar. And even then, he’d usually ended up the designated driver, feeling too responsible for his crew to let them drive after drinking.

Plus, he had inherited money from his grandparents that he’d set aside, and though he hated thinking about it, he’d inherit from his mom as well when she passed away—though hopefully, that wouldn’t be anytime soon. With his savings, some good investments, and knowing what the future held, he’d actually be okay. Even more if he could make some money on the side with his chainsaw sculptures.

Or building furniture, which he loved doing as well. He’d already made quite a few custom pieces for his mom and his friends. And he’d made shelves and cabinets for Rob for all his horse tack. They were rough and unfinished because that fit the environment, but those could be made much nicer. He could see himself build furniture for customers, like custom closets or bookshelves. Whole libraries or walk-in closets. The options were endless.

But would it be enough to fulfill him? Wouldn’t he miss being outside? Well, if he did, he could always volunteer with Rob. He wasn’t much of a horse person—though he certainly didn’t hate them, just didn’t have much experience with them—but there was always stuff to do here. Fix fences, barns, build new structures, help him maintain the land. Lots of opportunities to be outside, only in this case, he’d be able to do it when he wanted to, at a convenient schedule. That way, he’d be able to spend all the time he wanted with George.

George. Even thinking about him made his hands halt for a moment, his brain filling with memories of his sexy smile, the way his eyes conveyed all his emotions, the eager and shameless way he could beg for dick. But also the soft look on his face when he gave in to his need to be cuddled and pampered, and of course his blissed-out expression right after an orgasm. No matter which memory, which mental image he brought up, they all made him smile.

And they made him feel. His heart beat faster, his chest expanded, and his whole body tingled, thinking about him. His boy. His sexy, stubborn cupcake. His smart, sweet snuggle bug, who always sought his touch, his presence. That intense, overwhelming feeling? Suddenly he had no trouble identifying it. Rob had been right. He was in love. He loved George. It had taken him forty years, but he’d found his man.

Once that realization sank in, the decision was easier than he’d ever imagined it to be.


“Are you nervous, Daddy?” George asked as he slid out of Jack’s truck, which was parked behind Lexi’s Mini Cooper.

Jack sighed as he took George’s hand. “Honestly? Yeah, a little. Aren’t you?”

George shook his head. “Nah. They’ll love you.”

Jack’s mouth tipped up at the corners, and George’s stomach fluttered. “How do you know?”

George grabbed him by his biceps, his hands too small to even circle them halfway. “First of all, you’re awesome and super hot, so there’s that. Granted, the second part won’t help with Lexi, since she’s as lesbian as can be, but she does have a keen eye for beauty. But more importantly, they’ll love you because I do. They’re my best friends, and when they see how happy I am with you, they’ll accept you as one of theirs.”

“Even when I’m fourteen years older?”

“Even then.” George rose on his tippy toes and kissed his Daddy. “Now, let’s go, Daddy.”
