Page 43 of Black Magic Voodoo

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“Fuck,” I heard Gabriel whisper.

The cemetery filled with the living dead. Zombies.


Chapter 12

“Woo!” Ryder whooped, leaping into the air with a fist bump before his body began to blur, morphing from his human form to the ghoul. A demented, half-dead creature that resembled the zombies, except he didn’t have a weird gait or useless limbs. “Don’t look, Cas! It’s dinnertime!”

Oh, hell no.

Have you ever seen a car accident and knew the wreckage would be filled with carnage, but you couldn’t look away?

Yeah, I froze in shock as I watched Ryder barrel into the closest group of zombies, his razor-sharp teeth—I could see themwaytoo clearly—ripping into the rotten flesh of the undead. Strips of sinew and tendons pulled from the bodies, some snapping back like rubber bands. Gnashing his teeth, he chomped down like this was his last meal.Damn, was that too much to hope for?His long, jagged nails sliced into the stomach and thighs of his victims as Ryder feasted on the entrails and bloated organs. Blood spurted in all directions and coated everything in the vicinity in dark crimson.

It was a bloodbath.

A laugh of enjoyment spilled between his lips as he grinned, bits of flesh stuck in his teeth. Ryder made quick work of any zombie that moved close enough. We weren’t in danger, but my stomach churned.

I thought he was nearly done when he called out in a loud voice, locking eyes with Damian, who gave him a thumbs up. “Dessert!”

Damian laughed as I left his embrace. I wanted to shoot him a glare, but I couldn’t. The freak show was too horrific and gruesome to stop watching. Trust me; it didn’t make sense.

My eyes widened when Ryder broke open the skulls of several undead and started feasting on their brains. That seemed to be my limit.

Turning my head to the side, I vomited onto the grass.

“Sorry, Cas. I should have noticed it was too much.” Gabriel held back my hair as I emptied my stomach and handed me a handkerchief from his pocket.

“Thanks, Gabe.” He gestured that I could keep it once I finished wiping my mouth.

“Uh, Cas,” Damian called. “You should see this.”

I really didn’t want to and hoped he wasn’t trying to make me sick again.

‘I’m not, my pet.’
