Page 50 of Black Magic Voodoo

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Iwas a magnet fortrouble.

Aunt Gwen heard me say this at least a dozen times, but she usually just nodded with an indulgent smile, probably because she didn’t want me to feel bad about it. I was beginning to think she didn’t find it amusing anymore, not that I blamed her. Samhain usually brought celebration and unification with the ancestors. New immortals entered Mystic Hallows this year, and an evil presence threatening to destroy the Salem witch families—starting with my own, the Howes—andunleashing pure evil on the town.

This conclusion made sense: trouble and Cassie Howe, hand in hand.

Once the immortals showed up—three of them, to be precise—things got tricky. A seductive vampire with a narcissistic wit. The sensual and passionate, albeit possessive, wolf. And then the zombie-controlling ghoul with a fantastic sense of humor and a sweet disposition. My Cosan, protectors obligated to and entrusted by my ancestors, sanctioned by the coven to guard the most powerful Howe female in our lineage. This just happened to beme. Honestly, I was still trying to figure out how special I was. Maybe somebody goofed.

Who was stupid enough to trust the fate of an entire town on one impetuous young witch?

Not everyone agreed it made sense. Just ask Kayde.

He joined our group yesterday.

The arrogant newcomer didn’t make a good first impression.

That was when I decided I needed a small break from the immortals who constantly invaded my personal space. Finding anywhere other than my bathroom proved nearly impossible.

Gypsy interrupted my thoughts as she appeared in my doorway, a slight frown lingering on her face as she quickly scanned the room. Her petite frame flopped beside me when she noticed I was alone. The bed bounced as she rolled over dramatically. “You’re nothing but trouble, ya know.” Her smirk proved she was only joking, but I already knew this was true.

“I know, babe,” I agreed. “I’ll be surprised if I make it through Samhain.”

She laughed lightly. “You’re sort of a magnet for bullshit.” Gyps patted my arm in mock sympathy. “At least you’re cute. And hey, family sticks together no matter what.”

Sticking my tongue out at her, I swatted her on the ass. “Watch that sass,” I warned, chuckling at her expression.

“Where’s your sexy harem? I haven’t seen any of the guys in at least a couple of hours.”

They were close. I could sense their auras and willingness to give me space. Maybe that was a little too obvious since I yelled it from the doorway precisely three hours and twenty-nine minutes ago. We all needed a few moments to make sense of last night’s showdown. “I sent them all away after the cemetery.”

She arched a brow.

“And after, I could barely take a shower without them breathing down my neck.”

“I see. Which one annoyed you the most?” She propped herself on her elbows and watched me with interest. Gypsy enjoyed my drama-filled life entirely too much.

Sighing, I lay on my back and avoided her direct gaze. “Damian was getting on my nerves.”

“Well, that’s sort of a given,” she blurted, giggling. “At least he’s hot.”

“Yeah,” I answered quietly.

“That’s not the only reason, is it?”

Bringing up Kayde and his nasty attitude wasn’t worth my time, even if my thoughts lingered on why he was such an asshole. I had known him for five minutes when he shoved me away and yelled in my face. No, I wasn’t weak or easily spooked, but I wanted to know his problem and why he needed to be here. This was Aunt Gwen’s fault.

We’d have that discussion later when I felt less pissy about it.
