Page 63 of Black Magic Voodoo

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“No more than my brother.”

“You’ll regret this choice,” the council threatened.

“I don’t regret anything. You’ll see.”

“This council hereby strips you of your title, lands, and heritage. From this day forward, you are no longer recognized by your brethren. You’re banished . . .”

The vision appeared and faded so fast I didn’t think he had a clue what I just saw.

“Damian,” I whispered as our eyes met and he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

“We no longer have secrets, my precious.”

Frowning, I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“We completed our bond. Theblood scryingis finished.”

“Scrying? That’s a form of clairvoyance.”

“Yes, and now it’s done.” He seemed super pleased with himself, gripping my bottom as he gave it a squeeze. “We should fuck again, this time with my cock buried inside you when you come like that.”

I couldn’t reply. My focus remained on the blood scrying.

The truth was slow in coming, and then it hit me as viciously and callously as a slap across the face. “You used me,” I whispered, the agony in my voice so real and tangible you could reach out and touch it.

“We both found satisfaction.”

“No,” I choked, pushing him back so I could see the cold truth in his eyes. “Not the sex. You used me to connect to the coven, to my ancestors. You wanted inside knowledge and access to our powers and abilities.”

He lay on his side, one hand resting on my hip possessively. “This isn’t a fairy tale, pet. Did you think I was going to fall in love with you? That any immortal is capable of giving you a happily ever after?” He lightly chuckled as the tears filled my eyes, and I didn’t fight them.

“I never thought you were capable of love. Decency, perhaps. Maybe I thought,” my voice broke, and I jumped up, brushing my fingers across the wetness on my cheeks. “I thought we had enough of a friendship to at least be honest with one another.”

“Listen, precious; I only serve one master.”

“Yourself,” I snapped, becoming angry as the pain in my heart increased.

Damian stood, his gloriously naked body in front of mine in less than a second. “My master, my sire, and creator. He even trumps my obligation to this Cosan.”

I sank to my knees, never feeling more foolish in my life than at this moment. “You planned this.”

“Yes,” he confirmed, “and now I have pleased my master.”

So, he was just a pawn. A used creature like me, nothing more than a soldier sent to gain my trust enough to let us bond.

Now he had access to my entire lineage—all the power and magic of the Howe Salem witches. I had singlehandedly placed my whole family and my ancestors in grave danger.

Damian’s fingers brushed along my skin, and I jumped back in repulsion. “I like leaving you sticky. It’s sexy as fuck to know I’ve marked you in every way that I can.” He inhaled. “My cum smells amazing on you.”

Gagging, I turned and ran into the bathroom, falling to my knees as I vomited into the toilet. Damian’s laugh grated across every nerve in my body as he appeared in the doorway. “You sure hurt a guy’s ego when you run to the bathroom like that.”

I was tempted to kick him in the balls and inflict actual damage, dig his heart out of his chest with a fork.

Damian didn’t say a word. Since when did he let these comments enter his head and not respond?

It was the strangest sensation, but this didn’t feel like Damian. In fact, I hadn’t heard him in my head since the moment I felt thatwhooshof air.

I stared at the immortal in front of me and didn’t recognize the handsome stranger. As I peered into his face, I noticed a tiny strawberry-colored birthmark low on his jaw, close to his right ear.
