Page 76 of Black Magic Voodoo

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“Yes, if the original demon is killed then the soul is washed clean.”

I didn’t ask how he knew this information. Kayde offered his hand and I let him pull me to my feet as a small smile hovered on his lips for a brief second and then vanished.

“We have work to do.”

We left the lanterns behind as Kayde held up a hand. “Shhh.”

Damian appeared by my side and leaned in close.‘What were the lanterns? Souls?’

I nodded in confirmation. “Yes,” I whispered, “I guess the Thrall trap them.”

Damian slid an arm around my waist.‘Oh, pet, they don’t trap the souls. Thrall consume them.’

‘Well, shit.’Why were some of them in these lanterns? Snacks for later? I shuddered at the thought.

‘Yeah, shit. Don’t get too close. I bet you taste good.’

The double meaning wasn’t lost on me.‘You missed your chance to find out.’

He turned to me suddenly, anger visible on his face.‘He fed, this I know, but tell me Dmitri didn’t taste you intimately.’

‘He didn’t.’

Damian was still tense.‘Did he fuck you?’

I sighed aloud.‘No penetration. Happy?’

His embrace confirmed the answer to that question was yes.‘Pet, you’re mine. He’s not allowed anywhere near you.’

‘When was this decided?’

‘The moment we met, and I claimed you in front of Howe Manor.’

“Damian,” I breathed as he leaned in and kissed me with a passionate but brief pressure.‘Isn’t that possessive?’


The way we could communicate so effectively and yet without a word spoken aloud was both intoxicating and addictive.

‘I agree, precious.’

“Did you hear that?” Gabriel asked, his body crouched as he turned to the right.

A few seconds later the ground began to rumble and shake like a hundred horses were galloping forward at the same time.

The Thrall were here.

Gabriel roared aloud, his bones cracking and popping as he began to shift. His face distorted as his bones elongated. Large teeth poked through a long wide mouth as he snarled. Saliva pooled in his mouth and slithered down his chiseled body, each muscle defined. Wide-eyed, I couldn’t tear my gaze away. Claws developed on his hands and his legs lengthened, gaining him another two feet in height. Pulsing flesh rearranged on his body. Feet and legs continued to twist and contort as Gabe’s clothes ripped apart on his massive frame. The muscles of his body rippled with strength as his skin grew a light gray fur, short but still obviously not human.

The werewolf transformation was complete.

Damian quickly followed his lead and stood in his true form; his glamour dropped. Giant ebony wings spread behind his back while sharp talons poised ready to rip and tear the Thrall apart until nothing remained. His dark skin was smooth like volcanic rock, but the feathers of his wings appeared a texture like leather. Both men towered above me, easily over seven foot.

Ryder saved the best for last.

My handsome ghoul transformed into the bloodthirsty beast I remembered, from a living person in flesh and blood to some wild looking half dead creature that resembled a zombie. He wasn’t alone.

Ryder whooped in excitement just like he did before he feasted on the zombies from the cemetery back home but this time dozens of figures appeared – and they looked just like the demented horror standing in front of me. ghoul souls were here to aid in the fight against the Thrall. They weren’t in danger – these spirit soldiers didn’t possess physical mortal flesh like humans. They came in their true form. The same image I witnessed when Ryder and I bonded, and I touched his thread.
