Page 84 of Black Magic Voodoo

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“Hey, Cass,” Sebastian’s deep voice cut right in. “Behaving yourself?”

“Where’s the fun in that, Seb?”

He shrugged; his gaze locked on Gypsy as she swayed to the music not far away. “How’s Gypsy?”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” I taunted, smirking at his scowl. “Repair any damage you’ve done.”

Kane and Karter snickered. “Chicken shit,” one of them added.

Seb frowned and made his way toward Gyps without another word.

“He’s got it bad,” Kane observed.

“He’s got something,” I quipped, laughing.

“How about a beer, Cassie?”

I nodded as the brothers left in search of a keg. Standing alone, I swayed to the beat and heavy guitars, enjoying the night. There might be a nasty male witch trying to kill me, but at least I had Samhain to help ease the tension.

“Come here often?”

The cheesy one-liner was issued by an unfamiliar male voice. I turned to the left and saw a young man with tussled blond hair and puppy sweet brown eyes. He seemed harmless enough. No bad vibe set off my Spidey-like witch senses.

“Often enough,” I teased, holding out my hand. “I’m Cass.”

“Nice to meet you, Cass. I’m Roman English.”

English. Why did that last name sound familiar?

“Hi, Roman.”

“Beer?” He lifted a cup and I shook my head.

“No offense, but I don’t accept drinks from men I don’t know.”

He nodded in understanding. “Smart. How about we head toward the keg and I can pour you a fresh one?”

My eyes darted toward Gypsy as she sauntered closer, eyeing Roman. “Who are you?”

“Roman,” he left off the last name as he shook her hand. “Just moved here.”

The female lead singer of the band belted out their newest hit."The moon has awoken with the sleep of the sun. The light has been broken; the spell has begun.”

“She got that from Midgard Morningstar you know.”

Midgard was the lead singer of a metal rock band. I elbowed Gypsy with a smirk. “Stop it.”

“It’s true. She’s a total copycat.”

I laughed and turned away, my eyes scanning the crowd for myCosan. All the typical Samhain revelers were here, dressed up in their Day of the Dead outfits. My guys weren’t visible, but I could feel they were close and watching my every move, ready to pounce when necessary. Roman probably made them nervous but they remained hidden just like we agreed. No point in tipping our hand to the rogue witch before it was time.

Seb showed up with a couple of beers and whisked Gypsy away, promising lots of candy and excitement if she followed. I waved her off with a knowing grin as Roman moved closer.

“So, about that beer . . .”

“Sure, you lead.”

He reached for my hand, but I acted like I didn’t know what he was doing and smiled, glancing at the band. “This way.”
