Page 71 of A Wild Heart

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“Please,” I begged him to move and he did but slowly, his eyes on mine, telling me without even saying the words that he loved me. His gaze radiated with it.

It should have scared me, but it only elated me. I loved this man, too. So much. And he was showing me even if he wasn’t ready to tell me.

For the first time ever, Weston Reeves wasn’t just fucking me. He was making love to me.

I kissed him passionately, overwrought with feelings, straining against him, my body begging for release, my heart never wanting this to end.

Once our bodies were slick with sweat and my mouth kiss bruised, Weston reached between us and used his fingers to strum my clit. Once, twice, three times, and I was over the edge, flying high. Free.

He followed me over, spilling into me on a long moan, and placed small, soft kisses over every inch of my face.

After he’d smothered me with kisses, he rolled off of me slowly and headed to the bathroom from where he came back with a warm washcloth that he used to clean between my legs.

I tried not to blush as he used it on me, but I’d never had a man take care of me after sex.

“I like you all pink and sweet,” he said, finishing up and disposing of the washcloth, and then he pulled the covers back to the other side of the bed before picking me up and laying me on the sheets and bundling me up in the bedspread.

I snuggled in with a big smile on my face.

He climbed in behind, forever and always the big spoon, and whispered in my ear, “Don’t start snoring on me yet, Slugger. I’m not done with you.”

Iwoke up as the sun started to peek through the blinds in Emily’s bedroom. She was sprawled out, snoring on my chest, and the sound made me smile.

I’d followed her home after we’d made love at my place last night. She’d had to get home to Parker and I didn’t want her to leave, so here I was.

It was the first night I’d stayed here and it somehow felt momentous.

“Morning.” I heard from my chest and looked down to find Emily’s head tilted up toward me, her eyes on mine.

“What you got planned today, Slugger?” I asked, trying to gauge how much time I had left with her.

“I have to go to work at eleven and I won’t be done until seven. But you’re welcome to stay. Parker rides to school with a friend, so she’s already gone.”

“That’s a long workday after the night you just had,” I teased.

She grinned. “It was worth it.”

And it had been. We’d made love all night. I would have lain in her bed all damn day, but I had shit to do, too.

“What are you up to today?” she asked. “Or are you going to sit at home and pine away for me all day?” She threw the words from our fight at the station back at me and I smirked.

“I thought about lying here and pining away for you all day, but I have to go see my wife,” I deadpanned.

That got her attention. She moved up the bed until her head was on the pillow next to mine and turned on her side to face me. “Yeah?” she said, her eyes urging me to tell her more.

I rolled to my side, too, facing her. “Yeah. She’s in the cemetery about a block from Mom’s house. I go see her every week.”

“That’s sweet,” she said with a sad smile on her lips. She reached out and ran a hand through my hair.

“I told her about you and Parker,” I said, without thinking. I hadn’t meant to tell her that, but it had just slipped out.

But her big smile made it worth it. “What did you tell her?” she asked, still petting me.

“I told her I’d met someone. Someone she would like for me and that she had a cool as shit daughter.”

She laughed. “And what did she have to say about that?”

I thought for a minute before answering. “She said I told you so, you lucky asshole.”
