Page 83 of A Wild Heart

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“Yes, ma’am, your blood work says you’re going to have a baby. Your hCG levels are up. Looks like it’s early, but you’re definitely pregnant.”

I sat there, stunned beyond belief, half afraid this was all some joke or error.

“Are you sure that’s my chart you’re looking at?” Emily asked the doctor, her face as shocked as mine.

The doctor smiled. “It’s your chart, Mrs. Davies.”

Emily placed a hand on her chest like she was having a heart attack and I was thankful we were getting this news at an actual hospital. “But I’m forty years old,” she argued.

The doctor nodded and then looked between the two of us before his gaze settled back on Emily. “Then you should know how babies are made. You should get in to see an OBGYN soon. I’ll get a nurse to get you discharged soon. Rest up and have a good night.”

And he was gone, leaving us with news that had shocked us both to our core.

We both just sat there staring at each other for a good two minutes before I finally said, “Holy fuck, we’re going to have a baby.”

She nodded slowly, her eyes wide on mine. “You’re going to have to work on your language.”

I chuckled low. “I am. And Parker’s going to be a sister.”

Puddles formed in Emily’s eyes. “She is.”

“We’re having a baby,” I said again louder this time with more enthusiasm. It was really hitting me. I was going to be a daddy. Emily was going to be a mom again.

We were old as hell, but we were going to do this. I was going to get a shot at making and growing an actual person.

A tear fell down my face and onto the bed. “How do you feel?” I asked Emily, scared out of my mind she was going to tell me she didn’t want this baby. That she was too old. That she’d already been a mom.

Her face was thoughtful for a few seconds and I held my breath the whole time.

“Scared. Terrified. Worried,” she started and my heart sank. Then she finally finished with, “Elated. Excited. Thankful.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. I was going to have two children and I’d thought I’d never even have one.

She raised her eyebrows. “What are you thanking me for? You heard the doctor. At our age, we should know how babies are made. And you know as well as I do, it takes two,” she smarted.

I laughed and leaned over again, placing a long close-mouthed kiss to her lips. “Let’s go home and tell our girl we’re having a baby.”

“Maybe we should skip the fire and almost running into a burning building part of the story,” she murmured against my lips.

“You ready, Boss?” I asked Holden, who was standing next to me outside of the chapel’s door, his arm through mine.

He was wearing a black tux with a white shirt and I knew Miranda thought he looked dapper because she’d told me so three times in the dressing room while she had been helping me get ready.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Holden said, adjusting his tie for what was probably the tenth time. He seemed more nervous than me. “You look beautiful, Ems,” he said, smiling softly.

I looked down at my cream-colored sleeveless empire waist wedding dress. It was long and sparkly but most importantly there was room in it for my eight months along pregnant belly.

I rubbed my stomach. “Thanks, Hold. But who the hell’s idea was it to get married in September in the South? I’m sweating like a pig.”

“You’re radiant,” Holden corrected me. “And this whole thing was your crazy idea.”

And he wasn’t wrong. I’d wanted the time to plan our small wedding. But I hadn’t expected it would still be so damn hot. And also, I hadn’t anticipated how big I’d be. Or how hard a pregnancy would be on my body at forty-one years old.

“I’m a forty-one-year-old woman who got herself knocked up, Hold. No one should be listening to me about anything,” I said, fanning myself with my free hand, thinking that maybe I should have just listened to Parker when she told me we should all go to Vegas and elope.

But no, I had to have a traditional wedding. Why? Because for the first time in my life, I had a family to have it with and I wanted the dream. The whole damn thing.

Holden grabbed the guests’ book from the table next to us and started fanning me with it. “Here. That better?” he asked, trying to cool me off.
