Page 20 of Facing Kai

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"Oh fuck, that's Babyface..."

"Isn't he theJujitsu champ? I can't wait for that fight."

"Wow, maybe he'll give me an autograph."

I hear the whispers from the surrounding crowd, but I don't care anything about what they have to say. All I want is my woman, and now that I know that she's got the same feeling for me as I do for her, I'm more ready than ever to get her to one of the back rooms.

I tug her behind me, and we quickly make our way out of the arena and one of the smaller back locker rooms.

"You're a little bit of a hot head, aren't you?" Marcella laughs at me.

"Only when you're concerned. It's like you take all the self-control I have and toss it out the window. With you, everything is more intense. More passionate. You make everything just... more." I look deep in her eyes. "I lied."

"Really? About which part?" She asks, trying to move away.

"About you having to do anything to make me fall in love with you. I was already there the first time we faced off at my house. I love you, Marcella."

She whimpers, and this time I'm the one to lean in to kiss her.

Seconds later the soft romantic kisses turn into passionate ones, both of us fighting and challenging each other trying to show the other more pleasure. These are precisely the kind of battles I like to have.

With Marcella, I'm seeing many more fights in the years to come, and I can't fucking wait.
