Page 10 of Finding Reese

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Not only have I turned quite a few heads since I got here, but I feel sexy in the outfit. It doesn’t matter how good everyone else thinks I look. If I’m uncomfortable with what I’m wearing, it’ll show.

A deep booming song blares through the speakers, and Christina’s face lights up. “Oh, this is my song! Come on, let’s dance.” She grabs both mine and Skyla’s hands, pulling us out on the floor.

In seconds, I let the music take over, dancing like no one’s watching. Skyla is a fun girl. She does the iconic water sprinkler move, which causes both Christina and I to burst out laughing. It’s been a long time since I just let loose like this.

“Hey, I didn’t even see them come in. The boys are here,” Christina shouts over the music, pointing in the direction of one of the tables near the VIP area.

My head snaps in that direction quickly, and the first set of eyes I land on are the same dark brown ones I’ve been thinking about all day. Reese is staring at me like I’m something to eat. He doesn’t stop even when he sees that I’ve caught him.

The last time I had a boyfriend, it was before I moved to Ashill Woods. In fact, it was back in college, and he never looked at me the way Reese is looking at me now. There are dozens of people in the club, but it’s like I can feel his gaze burning through my skin and setting every nerve ending from my lips to my pussy on fire. How can one man make me so hot for him so fast?

“Crap,” I mutter to myself.

“What?” Skyla leans forward, twisting her head in my direction to hear what I’m saying.

“Huh? Nothing!” I reply.

I’m not going to share with her that I just figured out that he’s even sexier now than when he was in the gym.



Finding a parking spot for my Range Rover, I park and get out somewhat wishing I didn’t agree to come tonight, but I need this. To get out and spend time with people and get my mind off everything else.

I shove my keys in my front pocket and grab my new phone to text Travis to let him know I’m here when I find he’d texted me saying he’s at the doors waiting.

After leaving the gym earlier, I’d done as I told myself I was gonna do and went to get a new phone and visit my mom. It wasn’t exactly thrilling for me, but my mom has a way of making things better, even if it’s for a brief moment in time.

* * *

Holding my new iPhone in hand, I scroll through the text messages waiting for me from Martin demanding I call him immediately. I get in behind the wheel and connect my phone to Bluetooth before pulling his name up in my contacts.My stomach lurches as I touch the phone icon under his name.

Martin answers on the second ring. “Next time you hang up on me, I’m going to kick your ass.”

At the other man’s greeting, I smirk for the first time without forcing myself to do so. “Like you could kick my ass.”

“I would right now if you were anywhere near me,” Martin grumbles. “Anyway, I wanted to suggest to you that we bring the legal team in on this. Maybe they’ll be able to help getting through the red tape and putting you back in the ring sooner.”

I allow his suggestion to roll over in my head briefly before shaking my head. “I don’t want someone I don’t know handling this. I’ve got to be able to trust them and know they’ll put in the work. I want someone who I know will put me first.”

“I get it, Reese, but we need a legal rep in on this. I can’t do it alone.”

“I’ve got a buddy who’s a lawyer. I’ll call him to see if I can’t set up a meet with him.”

If I have to have a lawyer in on this, Kai’s who I want at my back. I trust him and know he’s a damn good lawyer.

“Right, let me know when you set the meeting up with him, and I’ll conference in for it,” Martin states. “I’m not about to leave you in the wind on this. We’re lucky none of this has hit the media. No matter what they agreed to.”

“I’ll let you know, Martin,” I grumble, pulling in front of my mom’s little house. It’s not the same as the one we grew up in. I hang up with Martin as I park and shut the engine off.Over the years my mom has refused to let me or anyone else take care of her. She claims she’ll never take handouts, but I’d insisted on getting her out of the area she was living in and bought this house for her. Mom had been pissed, though in the end she gave in. If only she’d let me do the same with her car, I’d be happy.

Rhett does what he can to make sure her car is well maintained. Anytime she says something’s not right, he’s been able to handle it.

I spot my mom stepping out onto the porch as I climb out from behind the wheel.

From the way she’s crossing her arms over her chest, I know without a doubt she’s none too happy with me. It’s the mom look she’s always gotten with the three of us.

“Hey, Mom,” I call out as I make my way up the path to the porch.
