Page 32 of Finding Reese

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“Reese?” she whispers.

I shake my head and start from the beginning. “Growing up, all I ever wanted to do was box. It was my dream. When I get into that ring, it’s like everything else fades away, and I feel my sense of purpose. I feel whole,” I tell her, going on to explain how I got my chance and took it. I explained what happened with Ezra and all that’s happened lately. I don’t hold back with her. I want her to know everything, so she understands what she’s getting into when it comes down to being with me.

The real me.

“So, because of some jackass, you lost your career?” she asks, cocking her head slightly.

“Yeah, one stupid fuck up, and I lost it all,” I confirm.

“Reese, you didn’t lose it all,” she says, gets up from her seat, and comes to sit in my lap. “It’s part of who you are, but it doesn’t define you. So, you lost the professional side of things, there are other ways you can keep that feeling. You just have to find a way. Don’t let them win. You do that, then you will lose who you are all together.”

I let her words soak in. She’s right, of course. “I don’t know how,” I admit.

“Okay, so figure it out. Find a way to have your cake and eat it too. But may I suggest you think about maybe using your talent to teach others? I know it’s not the same but think about this. Not all the kids at the community center have it easy. Benny didn’t. Maybe if you helped them, they would have the self-esteem they could all use.”

It’s my turn to stare at her for a beat, contemplating her statement. Again, she’s right. I could teach those kids. They could use someone to look up to and to show them the way without them feeling like they’re being handheld.

My phone rings, breaking me from my thoughts and interrupting the moment between Haven and me. I pick the phone up to find it’s Rhett calling.

“Sorry, it’s Rhett,” I croak and clear my throat.

“It’s okay. You talk to him and know that I’m happy you finally talked to me about all of this,” she says, kissing me and moving back to her seat.

“Thank you, Haven,” I murmur, holding her gaze while answering my phone. “Yeah?” At my greeting to my brother, Haven giggles and rolls her eyes.

Rhett and I talk briefly, with him asking me to meet him at the gym when I can. I already intend to go there, but first, I was gonna run home and change, grab my gym bag, and make sure to grab more clothes to bring back here tonight.

After finally having Haven, I don’t want to go without.

* * *

I walk into the gym a couple of hours later, more than ready to find out what my brother wants to talk to me about. I spot him standing with Corey Bright, Travis and Christina’s dad. He’s also the owner of this gym and the one who helped me get to where I am. Because of him, I was able to follow my dreams.

“What’s up?” I ask, eyeing my brother when I make it to him and Corey.

“You know what I said the other night at Mom’s? About the underground circuit?” He quirks a brow, smirking.

“Yeah, what about it?”

“I’ve got you in,” he answers, jerking his chin toward Corey.

“I know you’re a heavyweight champ, but you’re just coming into this circuit. No one knows that you are out of the professional ring yet. But I’ve organized a couple of prelim fights. The ‘Sandman’ will have a few small fights before going up against the number one fighters in the circuit,” Corey announces, shocking the shit out of me. How the hell is he able to organize something so quickly? And the fact he’s using my ring name? Shit means everything to me that he’s doing this to get me back in the ring.

“Don’t know how to thank you,” I murmur, planting my hands on my waist and shaking my head, looking down at the floor.

“Thank me, by proving to these assholes you’ll be going against that you’re not a pussy like Niko’s saying you are all over the TV and social media. Prove that you are still number one.”

Slowly, I lift my head, grinning at Corey. “I can do that.”

And I can. Getting back to what I love doing is all I want. Maybe Haven’s right. I can have my cake and eat it too. But will it be the same? I hope like hell it is. Who knows, I might like it even more.



If someone had told me a few weeks ago that I’d be sitting in my room tonight counting down the minutes until I could see Reese, I’d have called them insane.

But that’s exactly what I’m doing—counting down every last torturous minute.
