Page 5 of The Earl's Spark

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He even smelled different than the other men she was around. Something deep and earthy had floated from him to her nose.

I do not need to think about that man any more than I already do. Especially since she thought about him a lot.

With a harsh mental reprimand, she put her wavering attention to the work before her and began getting Mr. Larson’s books in order. She tended to do his accounting today as his shop was slower aside from people coming in to pick up packages.

Since she only had two packages left to be picked up, she figured she’d get quite a lot done and not have to come back to catch him up. She was newer to his place and had been pushing hard to get his information in order.

* * * *

As she’d predicted, it had been a quiet day. She’d set up a few appointments for some future customers who wanted time with Mr. Larson. Five minutes before she was to lock up, the door opened once more and in walked another of the plantation owners, who also had a shop in town.

Albie Caulfield.

His black hair never had a strand out of place. Despite living on a tropical island, he was disturbingly pale.

Locking the book away, she turned and dipped a curtsey. “Good evening, Mr. Caulfield.”

His grin didn’t set off the same flock of flutters she’d acquired when the earl leveled his gray eyes on her, but Albie’s smile was one that had her skin crawling. Even so, she didn’t show her unease.

“Gwen.” He swaggered toward her. “You’re always such a delightful sight for my eyes. When are you going to come work for me alone? You know I will make room for you in my house.”

Seeing his package, she slid to her right and picked it up, her smile never slipping.

“As always, Mr. Caulfield, thank you for your offer, but I will have to continue to decline. I do not have time to take on another set of books full time. I can help a bit here and there until you find a replacement.”

His dark blue eyes flashed, hands flexed, and nostrils flared. But like hers, his smile never faltered.

“I will keep asking.” He reached for her hand after she had placed the package on the counter between them.

It took a few times before she tugged free. She didn’t like being here alone with this man. While he never did anything definitive, every instinct she had demanded she run far and fast from him—and not in the same way that thought had jumped into her mind when she had been around the earl.

“It is an honor to be requested.” His gaze burned into her. “Is there something else I could do for you, Mr. Caulfield?”

“When are you going to call me Albie?” He leaned against the counter.

“That isn’t proper, sir.”

He came closer and she fought not to retreat from how he pushed into her personal space.

“It is only us here, Gwenie. We could have some fun.”

“Am I interrupting?”

Mr. Caulfield jumped back, putting more space between them. She flinched on the inside but had been raised not to show anything, so she acted as if the sudden appearance of one Phillip Vallence, Earl of Edais, hadn’t shocked the hell out of her.

“Good evening, my lord.”

Another curtsey for him.

Albie’s eyebrow shot up at that. “You’re the new Earl of Edais?”

From below her lowered lids, she watched the cold, condescending expression on the earl’s face.

“I’ve been an earl for a long time. So no, I’m not a new earl. I’ve been one since my birth. Who are you?” The disdain could be tasted in the air it was so thick.

“Albie Caulfield. I have a smaller plantation on the other side of town.” He puffed out his chest. “And a shop here in town.”

Those gray eyes didn’t soften one bit. “And you are here for what reason?”

In fact, there was a thicker slather of arrogance on the earl’s words.

Albie swallowed but didn’t back down. “I came to pick up a package and catch up with this woman.”

Flint-hard eyes pushed into her, searching for something. “You will be the reason she is late to my home. We have business to conduct.”

Her entire body flushed at his words, even though she knew there wasn’t anything remotely sexual about them.

Albie didn’t move away. He instead looked at her. “Gwen?”

“I am helping his lordship out with some of his books. I said I would be by tonight after I finished here.”

The man stepped closer and gripped her arm. “I do not like this. It is not proper for you to be alone with him. And how is it you have time to do his books but cannot be bothered to assist me full time?”

She pulled on her arm but he didn’t let go. At least, not until the earl spoke up once more.
