Page 118 of Tame My Wild Touch

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"Let me think about that," Zac paused, and received a swat to the arm from Prudence for his teasing. "You are definitely not the same woman, honey. You're my woman now."

Prudence didn't mind his suggestion of ownership of her. She understood that Zac didn't actually want to own her and that he never could. She was too free in her thoughts and opinions, and no restraints could be placed on a woman with such tenacity. No, Zac spoke of a different type of ownership. One they both shared in equally.

"I love you, Zac," she whispered, and nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck.

Zac shivered and hugged her to him. "You have no idea how wonderful that sounds to me. I thought it would take . . . oh, say, until our tenth wedding anniversary to hear it."

Prudence nipped playfully at his neck.

"Careful," he warned. "I bite back."

"Promise?" she teased.

He swatted her bottom lightly. "There's no need for promises, Pru. I’ll love you until my dying day and even afterwards. "You're everything I ever wanted. I don't need any more."

Prudence pushed herself up, resting her hands on his chest for support. "But I can give you much, Zac."

"You already have," he said, winking.

Prudence shook her head. "No, no. I mean I have money that will help our ranch grow and prosper. There's also more than enough to help the town grow."

Zac looked her straight in the eye. "I don't want, nor do I need, your money."

Prudence's pout was obvious. "But there must be something I can give you. Something you've wanted but perhaps put off."

"Can't think of a thing."

Prudence sighed with disappointment. "But I wanted to give you something special. Something nobody else has. Something you'll cherish forever and ever." She realized she was being overly dramatic, but for some reason it was important to her. He had given her so much, had taught her so much about life, real life, that she felt this imperative to their relationship.

"What I want your money can't buy for me."

Excitement instantly filled Prudence. "But it can. It can. What is it you want? I'll get it for you immediately."

Zac shook his head slowly. "There are some things money just can't buy."

Prudence was about to argue but stopped when she realized he was right. Her money couldn't have bought his love for her. Her father's hadn't even bought his services to come after her.

She touched his chin tentatively. "If it's in my power to give you what you want, then I will give it freely and most willingly."

Zac smiled contentedly. She had learned and grown so much since that first day he had met her. She was like the last blossom on the vine, late in maturing but the most beautiful.

"Will you tell me what it is?" she asked anxiously.

He cupped her face in his hands and drew her to him. He whispered in her ear. "I want you to give me a son or a daughter."

Tears threatened to spill as she looked down at him.

"Mr. Stewart, I’ll gladly fulfill your request. Actually, I could fulfill it many times."

"Promise?" he teased with that disarming smile she loved so much.

"I promise on one condition."

"Which is?"

"We begin immediately."

Zac's answer was a long, intoxicating kiss that left her weak and wanting for more.

She raised her hand to his lips after he had released her mouth, placing the tips of her white gloves near his teeth.

"I want to feel you when I touch you this time."

Zac took the gloved tip of each finger between his teeth, one by one, and pulled the gloves off, letting them fall to the side. "All the barriers have been removed, honey. There's only you and me."

He was right. All the barriers were gone. Nothing stood in their way.

Prudence Agatha lowered her head with a smile and captured her husband's waiting lips.
