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The old man looked past me toward Wake and Lolo.

Dayden, too.

“Your man?” he guessed.

I looked over my shoulder to see Wake’s eyes intense and focused solely on me.

“Yep,” I confirmed. “My husband.”

“He loves you,” he said. “He really loves you.”

I smiled as I turned back around to face the old man. “He does?”

“Oh, yeah,” my patient confirmed. “A whole, whole lot. That’s the kind of love that breaks you when it’s gone.”

I felt my heart thump. “You had that.”

“And now I’m broken.”


If you want to impress me with your vehicle, it better me a motorcycle. I don’t ride on just anything.

-Text from Dutch to Wake


My original intention had been to head home and get some work done.

But after her earlier words, my ass had found a nice sunny spot on the beach, and I’d hung out there for the last two hours.

She loved me.

Those words.

I hadn’t realized how much power three little words could hold, but the moment they’d crossed her lips, I’d been fucking wrecked.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

Those three words kept repeating in my head like the best sounding melody until all I could focus on was having some alone time with my woman to give them back to her.

The last client that she had for the day finally graced the top of her RV steps and quickly exited after closing the door.

I got up, dusted the sand from my ass, and headed toward the RV.

When I got the door opened, it was to find her reaching upward and pressing the button that would close the slides of the RV.

She blinked at me, then smiled. “Are you here to turn my RV around for me?”

I closed the door, then locked it.

“No,” I said. “I’m here to do something else.”

She frowned and stopped what she was doing to turn to me. “Did something happen? Did the FBI get back to you?”

I had no clue.

My phone had been dead for a few hours now, and I hadn’t bothered to charge it.

I knew that Lolo was safe at home with Danyetta and Bowie with Aodhan there to watch over them. The rest of my guys… well, they could wait.

Hunching my shoulders slightly, I slipped the shirt off of my head by tugging at the back of the collar and tossing it to the floor.

Seconds later, I was working on my jeans at the same time I said, “Take off your clothes.”

Her eyes went wide. “I’m still on my period.”

I grinned. “I don’t really care.”

She was biting her lip as she slowly took her fancy clothes off, laying them gingerly on the counter of the kitchen island before going to work on her pantyhose.

I palmed my cock, stroked it, and waited for her to get completely naked before I moved toward her with deliberate steps.

She blinked at me, her hands going up to allow me full and complete access to her body. And when I came into contact, skin to skin, she wound her arms around my neck and went up onto her tippy toes before smiling timidly at me.

“Today won’t ever happen again,” I said as I lifted her and took her to the bedroom.

“I can’t believe you just went up three stairs as if I don’t weigh three-quarters of what you weigh,” she mumbled into my throat.

I tossed her down on the bed that I was sure had never been used before, then said, “You need the bathroom before we start?”

Her eyes were huge as she bolted for the bathroom, coming out long seconds later with a towel that I’d seen hanging on the wall to dry her hands with.

She laid it down on the bed before staring at me as if silently asking, “What next?”

I crooked my fingers toward her, and she crawled up the length of me, coming to a stop, straddling my thighs, my cock sandwiched between us.

She leaned over, allowing her breasts to swing free over my chest, and I reached up and pulled the tie from her hair, watching raptly as her braid instantly unraveled.

All that gorgeous red hair came loose from the braid in gentle waves, tickling my chest and neck with the ends.

“This hair,” I said. “I love it.”

Her eyes widened.

“You want to know something else?” I asked her, feeling something powerful take up residence in my chest.

“W-what?” she asked.

“I don’t fuckin’ like it when you say it and leave, and I can’t do anything about this feeling in my chest.” I used my free hand to press against my chest where it’d been aching since her words.

She bit her lip and looked at me uncertainly.

“I wanted to tell you that I love you, too,” I said. “I’ve never believed in love at first sight. At least, not until I met you that first time you marched into my prison and asked me how to get away with killing a man.”
