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We’d officially cemented our relationship. He’d asked me to marry him for real over a month ago and now I was wearing his mom’s engagement ring for real. We weren’t in a hurry to get married, though. Not even when we both knew what was going on inside my body.

Hell, even my parents knew.

Which was why they were asking when I was getting married.

“Mom,” I said with my phone pressed between my ear and my shoulder. “I already told you. When we get around to it.”

“Honey,” my mother said. “You need to do it before your child is brought into the world.”

“What child?” I feigned ignorance.

“Don’t play dumb. Even I can tell that your boobs have grown two sizes,” she countered.

She wasn’t lying.

That was the one and only thing that had changed. My breasts were the size of Dolly Parton’s.

I wasn’t sure how or when it happened—practically overnight—but they were spectacular. And Bain loved them.

“Mom, my boobs are normal sized,” I lied to her any myself.

“Whatever,” I heard her say. But my mind was momentarily distracted when two large, muscular, tattooed arms went around my waist and up to cup said breasts.

I grinned.

I hadn’t heard him come home, but it was more than obvious that he’d heard half my conversation.

Or at least the part that he wanted to hear.

“Well, you should get married before you have to have your big ol’ baby belly in all of your wedding photos,” she said. “Unless you’re planning on doing it after it’s here. Then you’ll have to worry about getting the baby weight off.”

She had a point.

“It’s something we’re discussing,” I continued my lie.

We weren’t really.

We only knew that we didn’t want to rush anything.

There was just too much else on our plate right now with Bain finally starting back at the job that he’d started to take months ago. Me breaking ground and building a vet practice. Oh and having to deal with Tatiana.

Though, Tatiana was definitely a bonus.

She was the sweetest little girl ever and it was a downright surprise that she was so sweet considering who her parents were.

“I know, I know.” She sighed. “I just want you to get married. I’m excited, okay?”

I knew she was.

She hadn’t gotten to plan my first wedding, because I hadn’t allowed myself to have a big one. It’d been a ceremony that was just a few people big, in a judge’s chambers.

She wanted the white wedding for me.

And, truthfully, now that I was marrying Bain, I wanted to give it to her.

“Love you, Mom. I gotta go, Bain just got home,” I said to her.

After hanging up, I turned in Bain’s arms to see him smiling down at me.

“You have spit-up on your shirt,” I said as I looked him over. “You didn’t come straight home, I see.”

He shrugged. “I had to get some kisses before they take off for that cruise.”

That was right. His parents were going to try the cruise again. With an infant.

Lord help them.

But they were excited and who was I to tell them that they were crazy?

“Oh really?” I teased as I wrapped my arms around his neck again and went up onto my tippy-toes to kiss him. “You’ll never guess who I saw today when I was getting my permits at the courthouse.”

He frowned. “Who?”

“Your brother,” I said. “And he wasn’t there for a good reason. He was there because both of his baby mamas are suing him for back child support.”

Bain threw back his head and started to laugh.

“Did you tell him that Mom and Dad are in contact with them and they have a relationship with their grandchildren?” he wondered.

I let him go, bent down, and picked up the mail that he’d dropped when he’d decided to grab my boobs.

“Nope,” I said. “Because that would’ve caused us to have to talk. And I didn’t want to talk to him. But I did overhear that he owes thousands to them. He’s screwed.”

“He’s something.” Bain shook his head. “You ready to head out for dinner?”

This would be our first night that was just to ourselves in a few weeks. A big shutdown had started at their work and any time that Bain came home, I’d had Tatiana with me.

“I’m ready when you are,” I shimmied my butt at him. “What do you think of my chaps?”

“I’m thinking.” He took me in. “They’re almost as good as your boobs in that top.”

I squeezed them together for him.

“You know,” he said after he got his eyeful. “We’re going to have to acknowledge it sooner or later.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I’m going to. Next month. I have a doctor’s appointment and everything.”

He smacked my butt and turned to our room. “I’ll be ready in ten.”

And he was.

We were on his bike and riding into the sunset less than fifteen minutes later.
